Public schools and teachers being used to campaign for the abortion

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Faithful 2 Rome:
I was watching A&E last night, and they were showing when John Edwards was running for President…some old goat of a woman approached his wife and asked if he was for abortion…his wife BEAMED and said…not only is he pro choice he has a 100% rating from NARAL…sickening…
Um… I’d watch it there… for calling somebody an “old goat.” Not hardly Christian…


Besides, that woman was merely asking a question…

Sure hope nobody calls ME an old goat…

I’d rather be a sheep!!

:rolleyes: :o 👍
I must disagree with birth control being taught in public schools. I think those issues should be covered by the family…

Even if taught in a beter way than my teacher handled it, I saw such practices do nothing but encourage sexual relations between teens. Not only that, but for the rare teen who was more innocent on these matters, innocence is shattered. It creates an improper atmosphere in an instution that should be academic.

Parents, if they agree with birth control, can tell their kids about it. what could happen if they are not told? Well, they could get pregnant or get sexually transmitted diseases. The truth is, they still do, at a HIGHER rate, when educated about birth control and barrier methods.

Thanks, Kelli!


Now that we know those facts… how can we spread the truth around?

:confused: :o

By the way, Mom taught me all I needed to know about birth control… a pill (an aspirin held tightly between the knees)!


Thanks, Mom! (I’m serious… thanks, Mom!)

If schools are teaching kids about how to commit birth control… are they at least ALSO teaching about how to practice abstinence??
Have we many conspiracy theorists? The public schools are machines of propaganda? The public schools are a government institution and therefore religion has no place there. This is not a theocracy, it is a democracy (actually a republic), which denotes ALL people’s best interest must be kept in mind, not just overly conservative catholics. Sexual education falls into the realm of science, not morality, and some children DO need to learn about their bodies. My parents were way to conservative to EVER talk about sex, so i learned for myself at a very young age. Moralities are so varied and contrasting, that there is no concieveable way to appease evryone. Also, abortion is legal and an existing practice, the moral implications do not have a place in our schools. You want your children to have your values, spend some time with them. As for everyone else’s children, their parents might not agree with your conservative and at times slightly askew view of morality. It is not your place to tell the world how to live. As far as condoning homosexuality is concerned, they teach the children that we are all equal and no one is to be singled out, not that the school is endorsing homosexuals. There was another person who said everyone was equal and should be respected accordingly, but people condemned him also, and they crucified him.
This is . . . a democracy (actually a republic), which denotes ALL people’s best interest must be kept in mind, not just overly conservative catholics. Sexual education falls into the realm of science, not morality, and some children DO need to learn about their bodies. . . .Moralities are so varied and contrasting, that there is no concieveable way to appease evryone. Also, abortion is legal and an existing practice, the moral implications do not have a place in our schools.
It is true, Wormwood, that all people best interests must be kept in mind. For that reason the schools should leave sex ed to the parents . . .if they put the energy into encouraging parents to meet their obligations that they put into sex ed classes, it would be a vast improvement. A lot of parents just throw in the towel because they figure the schools have the subject covered. Kids say, “Oh Mom, I know all about that . . .”
I do not see how you can say that the moral implications don’t have a place in school. The moral implications of everything should be taken into account – they say that it’s our duty as citizens to vote, that’s morality. If schools are going to teach a subject, they should explain the moral implications of it, or leave it to the parents.
It is true, Wormwood, that all people best interests must be kept in mind. For that reason the schools should leave sex ed to the parents . .
I said ALL people, including those who don’t have the ideal homelives to which you are obviously accustomed. I grew up in a very poor region of the Mississippi delta, where most kids didn’t know their fathers, and if they did have a relationship with their mothers the mothers were usually busy working so they could eat. So for these kids they are left to their own ends because they don’t have a perfect home? If all the parents were doing their job, the issue would have never come up.
I do not see how you can say that the moral implications don’t have a place in school.
It’s easy; they don’t. The public pays for public schools, not just christians. Whose morality should they inforce? Yours? Mine? See the inherant problem? Plus, school is a place for facts, I can prove that dog is a noun or 5+4=9, but I cannot prove that abortion is wrong. I assure you there are greater problems with our public schools than lack of morality in the curriculum. Let them master english, then they can conquer philosophy 😉
For that reason the schools should leave sex ed to the parents . .
If you are so adamant about teaching your kids at home, why not have the morality lesson there?
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