punk priest

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Hello!? He is obviously a phony nut job mocking the priesthood. It is diabolical. How can you people be so gullible?

And, do not put him in the same category as Fr. Stan Fortuna.
Fr. Stan is a true priest of God, solid as a rock. You should be ashamed of yourself. He is truly anointed. His style is different from many of us, but if you hear what he is saying, he is orthodox as they come. Well, if you thought that other guy was legit it’s no wonder you would insult the real thing.
This is really a very offensive, insulting, and nasty post. I do not believe that calling anyone names or wagging your finger is the appropriate behavior for this forum. I know that I for one don’t appreciate it. There are far better and more civilized ways to voice your disagreement.


Our Lord’s revelations to Mutter Vogel

“One should NEVER attack a priest, even when he’s in error, rather one should pray and do penance that I’ll grant him My grace again. He alone fully represents Me, even when he doesn’t live after My example!” (page 29, Mutter Vogel’s Worldwide Love, St. Grignion Publishing House, Altoting, South Germany (29. 6. 1929)).

When a Priest falls we should extend him a helping hand THROUGH PRAYER AND NOT THROUGH ATTACKS! “I myself will be his judge, NO ONE BUT I!” “Whoever voices judgment over a priest has voiced it over Me; child, never let a Priest be attacked, take up his defense.” (Feast of Christ the King 1937) "Child, Never judge your confessor, rather pray much for him and offer every Thursday, through the hands of My blessed Mother, Holy Communion (for Him) (18.6. 1939)&nsp; “Never again accept an out-of-the-way word about a Priest, and speak no unkind word (about them) EVEN IF IT WERE TRUE! Every Priest is My Vicar and My heart will be sickened and insulted because of it! If you hear a judgment (against a Priest) pray a Hail Mary.” (28. 6. 1939)

“If you see a Priest who celebrates the Holy Mass unworthily then say nothing about him, rather tell it to Me alone! I stand beside him on the altar!” “Oh pray much for My priests, that they’ll love purity above all, that they’ll celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with pure hands and heart. Certainly the Holy Sacrifice is one and the same even when it is celebrated by an unworthy priest, but the graces called down upon the people is not the same!” (28. 2. 1938)

Mary. Queen of the Clergy, pray for them.


Keep them, I pray Thee, dearest Lord,
Keep them, for they are Thine -Thy priests whose lives burn out before
Thy consecrated shrine.Keep them, for they are in the world,
Though from the world apart;When earthly pleasures tempt, allure, -
Shelter them in Thy heart.Keep them, and comfort them in hours
Of loneliness and pain,When all their life of sacrifice
For souls seems but in vain.Keep them, and O remember, Lord,
They have no one but Thee,Yet they have only human hearts,
With human frailty.Keep them as spotless as the Host.
That daily they caress;Their every thought and word and deed,
Deign, dearest Lord, to bless.

Imprimatur: +D. Card. Dougherty, Arch. of Philadelphia

Our Father, Hail Mary

Mary, Queen of the Clergy, pray for them.


“Jesus, Mary, I love You, Save Souls.”
this guy is a REAL priest? :eek: are you putting me on?
if he is a real priest why is he doing this, and why is he allowed to get away with it?:eek: is he a catholic priest??
Yeah, singing heretical songs like “Amazing Grace” as posted on You Tube really is “orthodox.”
Uh, well if “Amazing Grace” is heretical, someone tell that to my Liturgy of the Hours. It was the hymn for Vespers a few days ago.
Several of you need to go to confession; you have committed a grave sin. Calumny and detratction, particularly against a priest of the Church constitutes mortal sin–read the catechism. Apparently, the catechism of the Church takes a back seat to your own opinions. Name one sin this man has committed compared to what you have just done… well?..
I have the phone number of the Capuchin friars, in case you would like to call and apologize. The contact person is Fr. Luke Fletcher.

And those of you judging this man based on the propaganda that has been spewed on this forum need to go as well. I am fed up with holier-than-thou types that commit these sins against our own. The Body of Christ is being crucified in this age and your hands are right along in it. You are no better than the street people this man evangelizes. Actually, you are worse than the unbelievers.
While I as a young seminarian (early 20s) don’t necessarily agree with the “cool” approach, (I’m not very hip as it is, oh well!) I think that the calumnies here are scandalous and shameful. They are uncalled for. It is never acceptable for us to start speaking ill of priests. Furthermore, the priest in question has committed no ecclesiastical crime, only chosen a ministerial approach with which we disagree. OK, that’s fine, but let’s pray for our priests and not speak ill of them.

Remember, he is objectively conformed to Jesus Christ the Great High Priest. Speaking ill of him is tantamount to speaking ill of Christ’s chosen minister.
While I as a young seminarian (early 20s) don’t necessarily agree with the “cool” approach, (I’m not very hip as it is, oh well!) I think that the calumnies here are scandalous and shameful. They are uncalled for. It is never acceptable for us to start speaking ill of priests. Furthermore, the priest in question has committed no ecclesiastical crime, only chosen a ministerial approach with which we disagree. OK, that’s fine, but let’s pray for our priests and not speak ill of them.

Remember, he is objectively conformed to Jesus Christ the Great High Priest. Speaking ill of him is tantamount to speaking ill of Christ’s chosen minister.

Since this priest is an icon of Christ–he should reflect that in his manner–an not become some sort of showman.
Several of you need to go to confession; you have committed a grave sin. Calumny and detratction, particularly against a priest of the Church constitutes mortal sin–read the catechism. Apparently, the catechism of the Church takes a back seat to your own opinions. Name one sin this man has committed compared to what you have just done… well?..
I have the phone number of the Capuchin friars, in case you would like to call and apologize. The contact person is Fr. Luke Fletcher.

And those of you judging this man based on the propaganda that has been spewed on this forum need to go as well. I am fed up with holier-than-thou types that commit these sins against our own. The Body of Christ is being crucified in this age and your hands are right along in it. You are no better than the street people this man evangelizes. Actually, you are worse than the unbelievers.

Ceil-1 —unless you are God–to see mortal sins on someones soul—maybe the confessional that you recommend for these people —is a better place for you.

This priest has his own site—to put himself on display-for the world to see----so it is unjust to judge the people here-- with detraction.
Several of you need to go to confession; you have committed a grave sin. Calumny and detratction, particularly against a priest of the Church constitutes mortal sin–read the catechism. Apparently, the catechism of the Church takes a back seat to your own opinions. Name one sin this man has committed compared to what you have just done… well?..
I have the phone number of the Capuchin friars, in case you would like to call and apologize. The contact person is Fr. Luke Fletcher.

And those of you judging this man based on the propaganda that has been spewed on this forum need to go as well. I am fed up with holier-than-thou types that commit these sins against our own. The Body of Christ is being crucified in this age and your hands are right along in it. You are no better than the street people this man evangelizes. Actually, you are worse than the unbelievers.
I support your comments 100%. 👍

Several of you need to go to confession; you have committed a grave sin. Calumny and detratction, particularly against a priest of the Church constitutes mortal sin–read the catechism. Apparently, the catechism of the Church takes a back seat to your own opinions. Name one sin this man has committed compared to what you have just done… well?..
I have the phone number of the Capuchin friars, in case you would like to call and apologize. The contact person is Fr. Luke Fletcher.

And those of you judging this man based on the propaganda that has been spewed on this forum need to go as well. I am fed up with holier-than-thou types that commit these sins against our own. The Body of Christ is being crucified in this age and your hands are right along in it. You are no better than the street people this man evangelizes. Actually, you are worse than the unbelievers.
Speaking of judging…

I don’t recall any posters on this thread claiming that a sin has been committed by this priest.

Am I to understand that we are not allowed to have an opinion about the behavior of priests?
And those of you judging this man based on the propaganda that has been spewed on this forum need to go as well. I am fed up with holier-than-thou types that commit these sins against our own.

Actually, you are worse than the unbelievers.
I hope you calm down on this.
Originally Posted by Ceil-1
Several of you need to go to confession; you have committed a grave sin. Calumny and detratction, particularly against a priest of the Church constitutes mortal sin–read the catechism. Apparently, the catechism of the Church takes a back seat to your own opinions. Name one sin this man has committed compared to what you have just done… well?..
I have the phone number of the Capuchin friars, in case you would like to call and apologize. The contact person is Fr. Luke Fletcher.

And those of you judging this man based on the propaganda that has been spewed on this forum need to go as well. I am fed up with holier-than-thou types that commit these sins against our own. The Body of Christ is being crucified in this age and your hands are right along in it. You are no better than the street people this man evangelizes. Actually, you are worse than the unbelievers.

I support your comments 100%. 👍


Great–since Ceil-l can judge souls and you are right along with her–you are on the way–to form your own trinity.
There’s been no “calumny” on this thread. Truth is truth. This guy is behaving inappropiately for a priest of the Holy Catholic Church. Case closed.
which is one reason there is such a growing interest in the Ancient Mass among young people.
Yeah, Chrysostom’s all the rage. Or did you know Tridentine only goes back to the Council of Trent?:rolleyes: Hardly Ancient.

I do agree with the main point of this thread, but mostly because…Punk’s lame.

I have never met a white person who could maintain an ounce of dignity while dressing that way or listening to punk music. I do know some Hopi Indians who could, but that’s because Hopi Punk is different. No eagle feathers in normal Punk.

The only concern for a priest, as far as his appearance goes, should be dignity. Any subculture you can name is lacking in dignity, but punk more than most.

If he had any style, he’d go with the cassock.:cool:

Great–since Ceil-l can judge souls and you are right along with her–you are on the way–to form your own trinity.
Your comments are insulting and rude, and inappropriate. I’ve not judged anyone here. I would kindly ask that you do the same.

Your comments are insulting and rude, and inappropriate. I’ve not judged anyone here. I would kindly ask that you do the same.

Several of you need to go to confession; you have committed a grave sin. Calumny and detratction, particularly against a priest of the Church constitutes mortal sin–

I support your comments 100%.

Well lizaanne–you support one who did—to the pt. of judging people to mortal sin. This says — you apparently can see souls too. Between You and Ceil-1 the shoe is interchangeable.
Several of you need to go to confession; you have committed a grave sin. Calumny and detratction, particularly against a priest of the Church constitutes mortal sin–

I support your comments 100%.

Well lizaanne–you support one who did—to the pt. of judging people to mortal sin. This says — you apparently can see souls too. Between You and Ceil-1 the shoe is interchangeable.
I fail to see how name calling of anyone, members of this forum or members of our clergy, serves any positive purpose.

I don’t see souls, and to suggest that I do is totally out of line. I’m not worthy of seeing souls. But I do know that bearing false witness against someone (the priest in question) who no one here appears to know personally, is not acceptable. The name calling and suggestive labeling on this thread is appalling.

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