From the earliest of times, the Fathers of the Church taught the existence of purgatory: Tertullian (Rome, 160 - 220?), Origen (Alexandria, 185 - 254?), Cyprian (Carthage, 200 - 258), Ambrose (Tier, 340 - 397), Augustine (Numidia, 354 - 430), Basil (Caesarea, 329 - 379), Gregory of Nazianzus (in Cappadocia, 329 - 389), John Chrysostom (Antioch, 349 - 407), Gregory the Great (Rome, 540 - 604), and many others.
I tried to avoid using my own “interpretations” and went to those whose teachings were approved by the early Church as exemplary of Her Teachings.
In any case, the Early approved teachers echo the belief of the Church. That is why they are approved. The Church passed judgement on any teaching. The early Church passed judgement on Prayer for the dead, and for Purgatory from the beginning. There are no contrary writings except for Aerius in the 300’s AD. He also preached against the Divinity of Christ, and his teachings were condemned.
Even those who offer diatribes against Purgatory admit that the Apostolic Church prayed for the dead, as well as offered sacrifices. They just deny it was for relief in purgatory. Why anyone would pray
for a person in heaven or the lake of fire, they dismiss:
Anglican adversary of the Catholic Church:1800’s
, that the Commemoration and Prayers for the dead,
used by the ancient Church, had any relation with their Purgatory; and therefore, whatsoever they were, Popish prayers
we are sure they were not. I easily foresee, that the full opening of the judgment of the Fathers in this point will hardly stand with that brevity which I intended to use in treating of these questions; the particulars be so many, that necessarily do incur into the handling of this argument. But I suppose the reader will be content rather to dispense with me in that behalf, than be sent away unsatisfied in a matter wherein the adversary beareth himself confident beyond measure,
that the whole stream of antiquity runneth clearly upon his side.
We have then, the witnesses of
- The OT Church,
- The Scriptures, and
- The Teachers of the ancient NT Church which She approved.
Against this history we have next to nothing for
one thousand five hundred years. Then,
Martin Luther. Did he not purge the eyewitnesses of the OT, and then demand; where is your witness?
*]Those of Calvin and the rest.
*]Private interpretation.
If there is controversy, who am I to believe? What does the Bible tell me about controversy? How shall it be solved? (Matt 18)
So, after all this Biblical and AUTHORATATIVE evidence, one who refuses purgatory is doing so ONLY to the relish his own pride and/or distaste for the True Church of Christ.
The End.