Purpose of SPACE?

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Anybody wonder what lies out there in the vast universe. I dont know why, but as a young adult it amazes me. But it also frustrates me at the fact we know barely anything about it. Why did the Lord create such a beautiful universe that we cannot touch? What is the purpose of everything beyond earth? This has always been a confusing and troubling matter that pops into my head literally everytime I look up.

If anyone could give somewhat of an explanation of what is out there and why our Lord made it? Thank You! And God bless! 🙂
Why did the Lord create such a beautiful universe that we cannot touch?
Yet. Cannot touch yet.

God gave us such a gigantic, infinite, majestic, cosmos to populate and tame just like He gave us Earth. If only we would unite under God instead of all of these -isims, we would be populating the stars and having mass on every planet.
Well yes, but the world will end soon and human life will end here on earth according to the bible. So what does that mean for the universe and beyond?
If it is in proximity of me, to keep other people out of it.
Why did the Lord create such a beautiful universe that we cannot touch?
Yet. Cannot touch yet.

God gave us such a gigantic, infinite, majestic, cosmos to populate and tame just like He gave us Earth. If only we would unite under God instead of all of these -isims, we would be populating the stars and having mass on every planet.
Anything outside of the observable universe is forever beyond our reach. And the scientific consensus is that it’s infinite.

That’s quite a lot we ‘can’t touch’. An infinite amount actually.
Then why has God created it then? Was it meant to just be a necessary discovery that has event and the way humans think in Gods image or just some commodity for humans to enjoy, that’s what I do not understand.
Then why has God created it then? Was it meant to just be a necessary discovery that has event and the way humans think in Gods image or just some commodity for humans to enjoy, that’s what I do not understand.
It’s got me beat. It’s like building an infinitely large house for someone and then saying ‘You can only use these 4 rooms’.
I know right. But doesnt that frustrates you, that you just dont know why he put it there? But then again, we dont know why anything happens or why anything exists on earth alone so maybe it’s one if those things we’re not supposed to know.
I go back to the physics and chemistry argument when I ponder the vastness of space. We live in a universe of laws. Nothing happens arbitrarily but there’s an order that governs the movement of planets and galaxies to electrons. I think that space needs to be vast for the physical world to make sense even if we do not yet understand the reason. Perhaps, if space were any smaller or behaved differently, certain laws of physics couldn’t be true. Perhaps God needed to create such a vast universe to make everything we experience here on Earth to make sense and not just be arbitrary or magical.

Creation is beautiful and interesting and it helps us more deeply love God and one another. We’re going to have all of eternity to dig into the beauties and mysteries of God and his creative power.

Most people that ever lived up until now spent almost their entire life living in the same village and then dying. There is no record of Jesus ever going anywhere beyond the small area of Palestine other than when his parents fled to Egypt. We enter this world and leave the world and even if we spend our entire life traveling and learning new things, we only ever scratch the surface. We have to do what we can with the time that we are given.
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I look at it in several ways.
  1. First and foremost: I strongly believe that God created the vastness of space in order to create endless forms of life, throughout eternity. Places void of life in the universe today, may have intelligent life long after our solar system is gone.
  2. God created a universe where interstellar travel via warp drive / hyperdrive and/or wormhole is either eventually possible or totally impossible. Truth is, we don’t know which.
  3. If interstellar travel is possible, then we will only get there if make the correct choices and learn from our mistakes as a race. If it’s not possible, then I have to believe that human existence is close to the end as I can’t imagine us evolving as a race much more if we can’t inhabit other planets in our solar system, if not other star systems.
  4. I wonder if sometimes we take the end the world to be a little too literal, or misunderstand just a little? Of course we know that one day our planet will be destroyed. If not by a massive asteroid, another Act of God, or even by ourselves; the Sun will eventually destroy our planet. The life of our planet is finite. However, I don’t recall the Bible mentioning anything about the end of our planet. Unless I’m mistaken, it only mentions the end of our “world.” I also don’t recall it specifically mentioning that every single living human will die during the end of world. If a few humans survive on other planets, that doesn’t mean that Jesus can’t judge the Human Race at the end of our world. Also, the Bible doesn’t say our new bodies, after the general judgement will happen in this dimension.
What’s my point in all this? There is NOTHING in the Bible that specifically makes interstellar travel impossible. There is nothing in the Bible that teaches that God could not have created other life. There is nothing in the Bible that teaches that the Second Person of the Trinity couldn’t have appeared on several other planets throughout time and space. Heck, I could even see if God played out the similar plans of salvation over and over again, across many planets it could even tick off the devil even more.

So why did God create space? Because it was all part of His plan. We will NEVER know all the mysteries of God’s creation. However, everything has a purpose, and to think that we humans are the center of the universe is pretty narrow minded of us. Because the truth is, God is the center of the universe & there is no limits to what He can do with His creation.

God Bless
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The bible says world, doesn’t say when. Even Jesus didn’t know when. Who is to say that humanity didn’t populate other worlds beyond the stars before our existence ends?
We can only speculate, but there are different things to think about:

1- maybe it is out there for us (or other beings) to explore it, at least a good chunk of it;

2- a large universe is a beautiful thing. Maybe it is there for us to enjoy it. Or perhaps for other beings to enjoy. Even angels. It’s an awe-inspiring universe;

3- maybe it’s just for God to enjoy it. Maybe God is like an artist who just loves sharing the fullness of His being to such an extent that He made such a large universe to bring out all the diversity of being that there is in His power;

4- maybe it’s large like that to motivate existential questions for us. “How foolish that kings and powerful men would pride themselves for their kingdoms, when it’s all just a speck of dust in the middle of the universe”. It could be there as a testament to God’s power and as a reminder to how small we are when compared to the fullness of Being that is God;

5- being even more speculative, maybe there is a practical reason for it. Maybe it is for us to throw away our garbage. Who knows?
When the moon moves far enough away will it effect life on the planet? Will life end that rely’s on the moons cycle Lots of life forms above and below the water including humans rely on the moon for reproduction. Is it possible for a woman to conceive once out of the influence of the moon? We may be locked in this solar system due to this - or they could use artificial insemination like in the movies. The great unknown.
It shows how great God is. He made our planet so we could discover Him. See The hour and a half video on "Our Privileged Planet link
Maybe we need to vast universe to house all the souls who have not attained Heaven yet. Maybe they are just floating around out there looking at God’s creation with no interaction just self contemplation.

Maybe the vastness of space is another tree of life, with us not meant to know what is out there. Seems the more we learn about space, the less most believe in God.

Maybe it is out there for when we ruin our own planet that we may find another place which God has created to go and ruin.

I am pretty certain the only person who knows why there is so much space out there is the one who created it. Maybe it is just there for us to ponder and wonder in awe of what is possible through God.
‘Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. You may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.’ - Douglas Adams, ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Universe’

Truer words never said!

But why does it need to have a purpose?
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Maybe we need to vast universe to house all the souls who have not attained Heaven yet.
There are more people alive today than have ever lived. They wouldn’t need a lot of room…
‘Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. You may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.’ - Douglas Adams, ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Universe’

Truer words never said!

But why does it need to have a purpose?
God made something for no reason?
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