Purpose of SPACE?

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The second coming ain’t here yet. Don’t know when it will happen either. Could be 1000 more years.
I’m not sure you realise how absolutely immense the solar system is and how infintely small it is compared to our galaxy. And then how the galaxy becomes virtually dimensionless when compared to the distance to the next nearest galaxy. And there are billions of them.

And those billions are an infintely small number (literally) compared to those we cannot see. And cannot access and will never be able to access.
And how infinitely small all of it is compared to God.

Might just be that the end of the world and time will happen when the universe collapses on itself. May be billions of years yet, but just a minute in time for God.
And how infinitely small all of it is compared to God.

Might just be that the end of the world and time will happen when the universe collapses on itself. May be billions of years yet, but just a minute in time for God.
But why was something made that we can’t acces? To use the house analogy again, it’s like building a huge mansion and telling the owner he can’t leave the 4 small rooms on the ground floor.
Part of the reason it was created has to be to fulfill prophecy via the Christ star, right? Without the vastness the movement of the planets/stars wouldn’t be the same.
Maybe we need to vast universe to house all the souls who have not attained Heaven yet.
What? Souls are immaterial. I don’t quite get what you’re trying to say. We are judged in our private judgment after death and then get a taste of Heaven or Hell, with purgation before entering Heaven if we need it. Then the final judgment at the end of time.
There are more people alive today than have ever lived. They wouldn’t need a lot of room…
I’m pretty sure this is one of those “myths”.
It takes some guesswork and assumptions (obviously) but it is estimated over 100 billion people have lived on Earth.

If anyone could give somewhat of an explanation of what is out there and why our Lord made it?
According to the Psalms,
“The heavens shew forth the glory of God, and the firmament declareth the work of his hands.”

God is amazing. The universe can bring you to amazement and wonder. We are limited people, and though there is much we can do, we are but mere creatures. God’s Ways are much higher than ours, and we are finite in what we know. These topics are a great contemplation for humility.

(I don’t want to derail the thread but one speculation that I think would be cool would be if there are space aliens. Not saying they exist, but it’d be neat).

But I think it is a bad modern tendency for things to be purely for utility. There can be higher purposes than just utility.
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The vastness of the universe points to the greatness and power of God. Imagine if there were only one planet, the atheists would be quickly arguing how little power the Creator has!
What is the ‘purpose’ of a black hole or a neutron star or a quasar vis-a-vis humans? It seems to me they’re just natural cosmic phenomena and have nothing to do with us. A black hole was once a massive star whose gravity field is so huge that it collapses into itself.
The vastness of the universe points to the greatness and power of God. Imagine if there were only one planet, the atheists would be quickly arguing how little power the Creator has!
I think you’ll find that there was only one planet was the original religous view.

There’s more than one? Why would that be?
There’s six or seven or more? What the…?
There’s a whole solar system? Get out of here!
Galaxies? No way dude.
Billions you say? Riiight…
An infinite number? And we can’t access them? You’re having me on.

Why did the Lord create such a beautiful universe that we cannot touch?
Maybe: so that we might reach for it with our hearts, minds, hands.
The search itself is of value beyond the touching itself.
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The vastness of the universe points to the greatness and power of God. Imagine if there were only one planet, the atheists would be quickly arguing how little power the Creator has!
This. The cosmos is the perfect metaphor for the infinite, transcendent nature of God. The cosmos is everywhere, like God, and the cosmos is infinite, like God.
St. Robert Bellarmine wrote a little book called “The Mind’s Ascent to God by a Ladder of Created Things.” The second step in the ladder, after the consideration of man (created in His image) is consideration of the vast universe. He discusses how even at his time they were just beginning to learn about and explore the vastness of the Heavens, which were beginning to seem immeasurable. He asks if the the universe is so great and wonderful, how much greater still is its Creator?

The vast universe helps us to comprehend–even if just a little bit–the incomprehensible greatness and omnipotence of God.
Anybody wonder what lies out there in the vast universe. I dont know why, but as a young adult it amazes me. But it also frustrates me at the fact we know barely anything about it. Why did the Lord create such a beautiful universe that we cannot touch? What is the purpose of everything beyond earth? This has always been a confusing and troubling matter that pops into my head literally everytime I look up.

If anyone could give somewhat of an explanation of what is out there and why our Lord made it? Thank You! And God bless! 🙂
Who here is expected to know that answer? None of us know the mind of the Creator when he made the universe.

Instead of asking for answers, reflect upon it. Here are a few insights you can draw from this:
  1. The universe is huge, almost incomprehensible. God made the universe. The vastness of the universe is infinitesimally small compared to the God who created it.
  2. Have you seen the Pale Blue Dot photo? That should give you a perspective of the smallness of Earth, and you are only one of seven billion inhabitants on that little dot.
  3. And yet the infinite God who created the universe, who created all this vastness and expanse, became man on that pale blue dot to die out of love for YOU, to shed his blood for YOU so that YOU can live forever in communion with the God of the universe. That should give us pause: the vastness of the universe can give only a small idea of the vastness of God’s love for you.
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A thousand years ago, people knew the oceans were vast and deep but they had no way to even begin to explore them. Perhaps the universe is so vast for our future people who will be able to explore and understand them. We were just born too early!
Space is needed so things aren’t all jammed up together. Just like a temporal dimension is needed so that everything doesn’t happen at the same time.
Why did the Lord create such a beautiful universe that we cannot touch?
The very fact that space is so vast and so inaccessible is itself a source of awe and wonder to inspire reverence of God as being so far beyond us that He could create such vastness.

If our universe were a box 10 miles on a side, and if we believed in God, it would be quite a small god, I think - not very impressive.
Why did the Lord create such a beautiful universe that we cannot touch?
The very fact that space is so vast and so inaccessible is itself a source of awe and wonder to inspire reverence of God as being so far beyond us that He could create such vastness.

If our universe were a box 10 miles on a side, and if we believed in God, it would be quite a small god, I think - not very impressive.
So are you saying that He was smaller when we knew less?
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