Quantum entanglement and the merging of souls in Marriage?

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For anyone who has knowledge on quantum entanglement…can the occurrence explain what happens to the soul of two humans in marriage and why the bond is inseparable?

Do you have any reference? I’d love to see if anyone knows anything about this. Thanks!

For anyone who has knowledge on quantum entanglement…can the occurrence explain what happens to the soul of two humans in marriage and why the bond is inseparable?

Do you have any reference? I’d love to see if anyone knows anything about this. Thanks!
No. The souls of two married people do not become quantum entangled. Each is still an individual before God. There is no such thing as “soul mates.” The bond of Matrimony is not inseparable, rather it is severed by the death of one of the spouses.
No. The souls of two married people do not become quantum entangled. Each is still an individual before God. There is no such thing as “soul mates.” The bond of Matrimony is not inseparable, rather it is severed by the death of one of the spouses.
I’m not sure you are understanding what I’m trying to say…

in quantum entanglement, the two particles are still distinct, like the two souls are distinct, but they are attached in an inexplicable “spooky” bond, as Einstein would say :). I was wondering if this is similar to the way souls merge in marriage?
No. The souls of two married people do not become quantum entangled. Each is still an individual before God. There is no such thing as “soul mates.” The bond of Matrimony is not inseparable, rather it is severed by the death of one of the spouses.
also, do you have an official Church statement regarding soul mates, because I have never heard of the Church saying one way or the other on the issue? Just curious 🙂

Quantum entanglement, as far as we can tell, only applies to things of the material world. Souls are not material, they are spirit, and therefore cannot be quantum entangled. And they are said to become one flesh, not one spirit, in marriage. Marriage is a covenant, a vow, a promise, between each of the couple and both of them with God.
also, do you have an official Church statement regarding soul mates, because I have never heard of the Church saying one way or the other on the issue? Just curious 🙂

I found this link online that has some good opinions.


One of the points I gleaned from the discussion there has to do with the origin of the soul. Some believe soul mates are originally one soul, that then splits, and the two halves have to find each other. That part is definitely not Catholic Doctrine, which is rather that a unique soul is created at the moment of conception. The other idea sometimes connected with soul mates is that they are somehow linked with regard to their eternal destiny, i.e. one cannot be saved or lost without the other, and usually they are supposed to save each other. This is also not in line with Catholic Doctrine, which is rather that each soul will be judged, individually, on the basis of its works while in the body.

I would simply caution you against those two errors. On the other hand, God does have His Will for each individual person’s life, and if He intends for two persons to be married, He gives them a vocation to Matrimony to each other. Vocations to Matrimony are real, and are Catholic Doctrine. If you wanted to call your spouse your soul mate, there’s probably nothing wrong with that, but be cautious about New-Age type doctrines that contradict the Church.
I’m not sure you are understanding what I’m trying to say…

in quantum entanglement, the two particles are still distinct, like the two souls are distinct, but they are attached in an inexplicable “spooky” bond, as Einstein would say :). I was wondering if this is similar to the way souls merge in marriage?
I think the way two souls merge in marriage is by common consent; each freely gives themselves to the other. Thus a real marriage is in the heart, each one deciding in their heart to be faithful to the other until death. The actual marriage is enacted by their words to one another that we call vows. Then they share one common life between them. I don’t think there is an extra, “spooky” element. God is present in the Sacrament, and God is Love. If the couple allows their human love to be lifted up into the Divine Love present in the Sacrament, I think that’s about as good as it can possibly get. “Spooky,” inexplicable bonds, I think, pale in comparison to consciously willed consent. The act of becoming married, I think, is principally in the common Will of the two spouses, and the supreme dignity of a human being is to consciously will the good. “Spooky” to me connotes “unfamiliar,” yet there is nothing more familiar to a person than his own mind and own will.
I understand what you are suggesting Marie. It is an interesting question. I would say the links between the primary reality (soul) and created reality (particles) are not fully known to be able to give competent answers. From Catholic doctrine there is still two souls but how these can be joined during marriage in some way while still being distinct (which is what i think you are referring to) is probably unknowable from this side of the great divide.

For anyone who has knowledge on quantum entanglement…can the occurrence explain what happens to the soul of two humans in marriage and why the bond is inseparable?

Do you have any reference? I’d love to see if anyone knows anything about this. Thanks!
Souls are immaterial, they are not particles which might entangle…

ALSO: Entaglement, at best, might occure during divorce 😃

Since partcles become entangles when they separate, i.e. two paired particles (eg paired spin) might become entangled when separated.

For anyone who has knowledge on quantum entanglement…can the occurrence explain what happens to the soul of two humans in marriage and why the bond is inseparable?

Do you have any reference? I’d love to see if anyone knows anything about this. Thanks!
I thought about this post some more today, and a thing occurred to me. Matrimony is until death, and in Matrimony the bodies of the spouses belong to each other. So while the soul receives the grace of the Sacrament, the actual change that occurs when two people become married is a transfer of ownership of the body, not the soul. The souls of each, still belong to God by virtue of the Sacrament of Baptism, and their bodies, rather than their souls, belong to each other by virtue of the Sacrament of Matrimony.

Hope this is helpful!
Quantum mechanics of any sort has nothing to do with the soul or with spiritual realities. Sacraments affect our soul, such that Baptism, Confirmation, and Ordination, impart a permanent ‘mark’ on the soul, but that is purely a spiritual matter, nothing to do with quantum mechanics.

As an aside, there is no such thing as ‘soul mates.’ We become soul mates to our spouses by deciding to love them every day till death.
Spooky action at a distance remains a scientific controversy among scientists today. First, I disagree with everyone on this forum. We have to clearly understand what a soul is before we can determine if it is material or not. Personally, I think if a soul exists it has some kind of energy/particles/dark matter/force behind it which would then qualify for spooky actions at a distance. Two particles are so deeply entangled that they share the same existence. Even if separated, these particles have information about each other that is not being transmitted by the speed of light. The only conclusion is that they had the information before separating and already knew what was going to happen. If this is the case, then I believe soul mates are intertwined and entangled decided by God or a higher force. This may mean that we all have a fate and God wants us here to learn lessons in life. Quantum mechanics and spooky actions at a distance is related very much to soul mates and love. In fact, I dated a woman for 10 years who I felt I was supposed to marry. She walked out on me one day saying that she wanted to just “have fun”. I was in a state of shock and suffered greatly with this, and to this day am still having trouble recovering from it. A couple of years passed, and somebody came into my life revealing a troubling situation she was in. She wanted to send me a letter from her ex-boyfriend. He said in the letter that their relationship was never intended to be a relationship since she had two kids, and it was just to “have fun”. He described how sorry he was and that he did not mean to use her and things just kept going on even against his will. She looked very pained and hurt to go through this experience. It was heartbreaking with my own suffering, but realizing her suffering was even more heartbreaking. This was a coincidental flip side of the situation that happened to me, perhaps something that can relate to Quantum entanglement. We are all related in this Universe, and if we are open to messages from it then perhaps we can tune in and follow our hearts to make better decisions. God wants us to make the right decisions in life. We must follow our hearts, and not anything else. By the way, I am in the process of interviewing with a Billionaire at the moment. I am an accountant, and let me tell you how unusual situations can be. Karma is real. Soul mates are real. Higher forces are real and so is Quantum entanglement with love. Once again, I disagree with everyone and this is my belief.
Spooky action at a distance remains a scientific controversy among scientists today. First, I disagree with everyone on this forum. We have to clearly understand what a soul is before we can determine if it is material or not. Personally, I think if a soul exists it has some kind of energy/particles/dark matter/force behind it which would then qualify for spooky actions at a distance. Two particles are so deeply entangled that they share the same existence. Even if separated, these particles have information about each other that is not being transmitted by the speed of light. The only conclusion is that they had the information before separating and already knew what was going to happen. If this is the case, then I believe soul mates are intertwined and entangled decided by God or a higher force. This may mean that we all have a fate and God wants us here to learn lessons in life. Quantum mechanics and spooky actions at a distance is related very much to soul mates and love. In fact, I dated a woman for 10 years who I felt I was supposed to marry. She walked out on me one day saying that she wanted to just “have fun”. I was in a state of shock and suffered greatly with this, and to this day am still having trouble recovering from it. A couple of years passed, and somebody came into my life revealing a troubling situation she was in. She wanted to send me a letter from her ex-boyfriend. He said in the letter that their relationship was never intended to be a relationship since she had two kids, and it was just to “have fun”. He described how sorry he was and that he did not mean to use her and things just kept going on even against his will. She looked very pained and hurt to go through this experience. It was heartbreaking with my own suffering, but realizing her suffering was even more heartbreaking. This was a coincidental flip side of the situation that happened to me, perhaps something that can relate to Quantum entanglement. We are all related in this Universe, and if we are open to messages from it then perhaps we can tune in and follow our hearts to make better decisions. God wants us to make the right decisions in life. We must follow our hearts, and not anything else. By the way, I am in the process of interviewing with a Billionaire at the moment. I am an accountant, and let me tell you how unusual situations can be. Karma is real. Soul mates are real. Higher forces are real and so is Quantum entanglement with love. Once again, I disagree with everyone and this is my belief.
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