Hello o milly,
The principle of sufficient reason would include as transferable those properties that exist as potentials …
Not being a historian but only an observer of human history, it appears to me that the level of violence has increased in our time. On a global scale abortions numbers, and the frequency of genocide to the local scale of the record murder rates in Chicago suggest a dramatic coarsening of societies respect for human life.
Though Pinker’s research was extensive, you may have a point in terms of excluding abortion; it leaves a question mark. However, if one were to examine the question “within the parameters of acknowledged human life”, we can find that people are becoming increasingly aware of value of people who look and behave differently than they do. Of course, ignorance about the value of the unborn is very difficult to overcome because of many factors, but given the trends concerning violence in general, we can be optimistic that this ignorance can also be overcome.
If the greatest love is to give one’s life for another then sustaining or increasing (thriving) one’s own life at the cost of another is a corruption commonly known as being self-centered as opposed to other-oriented.
Since people depend on communities, the ability to thrive depends on the ability to empathize and do what is best for the community. This involves the capacity to sacrifice.
*]Concupiscence (a propensity to excessive indulgence in one’s bodily appetites)
The excessiveness is modulated by conflict with freedom. We have the desire to be free, and we suffer when we are enslaved by the excesses. We need the appetites; they in themselves are not corruptions. A nature modulated by checks and balances is not a corruption.
*]Irascibility (an aversion to arduous tasks),
Again, we can first refer to the human desire for freedom. By nature, we are prone to be compelled to gather resources, seek mates, increase territory, increase status, correct injustice, and other innate compulsions. While these are all good, together they can inhibit freedom; the desire for freedom draws us to a happier existence. Other benefits of aversion include saving energy, but we cannot ignore the fact that humans can also be slaves to fear, resentment, mental illness, and other maladies that can demotivate and lead to aversion. However, none of these can be described as a corruption of our nature in general.
*]A dulling of the intellect and reason
You must spend too much time watching American politicians.
*]An increased capacity to demonic domination
Is there evidence of “demonic domination” ever occurring? Please provide.
*]Suffering and death
The weakening or corruption of human nature is not rare …
Capacity to suffer is part of the human’s behavioral checks and balances. The fact that we live in a sometimes difficult world is not evidence of corruption of our nature. Circumstances happen.
Death being a corruption is making the assumption that we were once immortal. We have no scientific evidence of this. Doctrinally, immortality was a “
missed opportunity”, but it was never part of our nature.
It serves us to believe that our own natural death of the physical body is our fault, not God’s, but there is no evidence of corruption.
That said, every individual human can view their own development from child to adult as a “corruption”. We tend to see the additions of appetites for sex, territory, power, etc. as impurities. We did not willingly add these drives to our psychological makeup, they were uninvited, so we do naturally (though subconsciously, I think) resent these impositions. It is very easy and natural to conclude that humans become “corrupted”; it is a common phenomenology.
- Why would a benevolent creator give His creation the ability to inadvertently corrupt (either as a net effect) its offspring?
In order that an omnipotent God may heal the corruption and thereby elevate man from a contented life in the garden to participate in the triune Godhead.
I think you are saying that God gives man the ability to inadvertently self-corrupt so that He can heal the corruption. Did I read that correctly?
No. Only good proceeds from Goodness. The divine image is in man’s soul specifically in the faculties of intellect, reason and free will. Man, in God’s image, tempted by the evil one, abused his free will and disfigured his divine image through his original sin
Going back to Simpleas’ question, though, God made man with the capacity to inadvertently choose against Him, and He already knew that man would make this very choice. It can be shown that Adam and Eve chose what they thought was good. So, we come down to defiance. God created us with the capacity to question authority, to test the benevolence of our leadership. A leadership that is mostly “selfish” does not add to a communities ability to thrive, especially in the long run. A benevolent God has given us the capacity to question the motives of all authority regardless of how well we seem to be treated.
You see, there is a way of looking at the big picture in which we can see that both body and soul come non-corrupted, as one nondualism directly from our loving Creator.