Question about Pope PiusXII and Jews

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Hey there. This is my first time to post here so please bear with me (or, if need be, correct me).
I was reading the CatholicAnswers concerning Pius XII and the Jews.
Towards the middle of it, after the 11th quote is cited, it says, that the Vatican made up a number of false documents stating that the Jews were Christians to help them escape. Now, I may be interpretting this incorrectly (and I hope I am), but isn’t creating a false document tantamount to lying? While I certainly understand that the Vatican’s actions were well meaning, isn’t this contrary to the 8th Commandment? If it is not, please explain it to me. If it is contrary to the 8th Commandment, how is that okay?
Thanks so much for your help clarifying!
from the catechism…2464…Offenses against the truth express by word or deed a refusal to commit oneself to moral uprightness: they are fundamental infidelities to God…

In this case one would have been complicit in the sin of murder to state the facts, and is not guilty of bearing false witness because he is in fact committing himself to moral uprightness.

Hope that helps!
Hey there. This is my first time to post here so please bear with me (or, if need be, correct me).
I was reading the CatholicAnswers concerning Pius XII and the Jews.
Towards the middle of it, after the 11th quote is cited, it says, that the Vatican made up a number of false documents stating that the Jews were Christians to help them escape. Now, I may be interpretting this incorrectly (and I hope I am), but isn’t creating a false document tantamount to lying? While I certainly understand that the Vatican’s actions were well meaning, isn’t this contrary to the 8th Commandment? If it is not, please explain it to me. If it is contrary to the 8th Commandment, how is that okay?
Thanks so much for your help clarifying!
If, for example, a scruffy, scary looking man comes knocking at your mum door while you’re there looking for your mum, apparently intent on harming her, would you rather being honest with him and show him in to your mum (who is at home) or lied that you ‘don’t know the woman…she’s moved’ or something like that?
The protection of life is paramount and if you have to lie to do it than so be it. Plus they were lying to Nazi Germany, is it a sin to lie to Satan?
Tyler Smedley:
The protection of life is paramount and if you have to lie to do it than so be it. Plus they were lying to Nazi Germany, is it a sin to lie to Satan?
I’m not sure if your explanations are the ones that the Church gives for someone being allowed to lie under certain circumstances.
Just as an example, in the book of Joshua, Rahab the harlot lied to the authorities of Jericho who were looking for the Israelite spies. Because of this (and her hiding them) she and her family were spared and she got into the lineage of our Lord.
“the Vatican made up a number of false documents stating that the Jews were Christians to help them escape. Now, I may be interpreting this incorrectly (and I hope I am), but isn’t creating a false document tantamount to lying?”

If lies were told, since their purpose was to outfox the Devil, I suppose they were hastily forgiven by our Lord.

We slaughtered Nazis and Japanese. Let us hope the Lord forgave that too if He saw remorse in our hearts.
Tyler Smedley:
The protection of life is paramount and if you have to lie to do it than so be it. Plus they were lying to Nazi Germany, is it a sin to lie to Satan?
Isn’t that like using the Ring to defeat Sauron?
Hey there. This is my first time to post here so please bear with me (or, if need be, correct me).
I was reading the CatholicAnswers concerning Pius XII and the Jews.
Towards the middle of it, after the 11th quote is cited, it says, that the Vatican made up a number of false documents stating that the Jews were Christians to help them escape. Now, I may be interpretting this incorrectly (and I hope I am), but isn’t creating a false document tantamount to lying? While I certainly understand that the Vatican’s actions were well meaning, isn’t this contrary to the 8th Commandment? If it is not, please explain it to me. If it is contrary to the 8th Commandment, how is that okay?
Thanks so much for your help clarifying!
Sometimes, it may be necessary to do so if extreme circumstances warranted it, especially if done to promote a great act of selfless charity for the greatest number of people, and at the same time to avoid a terrible evil. The extreme conditions of the Jews at the time certainly warranted it, if it was indeed done, for a little miscalculation, a little slip of the tongue, would result in the death of thousands of innocent people, and therefore such an act, would be the supreme fullfillment of Christ’s greatest commandment, to love one another as I have loved you.

Gerry 🙂
Just as an example, in the book of Joshua, Rahab the harlot lied to the authorities of Jericho who were looking for the Israelite spies. Because of this (and her hiding them) she and her family were spared and she got into the lineage of our Lord.
Also, in the first chapter if Exodus it is recorded that Shiphrah and Puah, the two Hebrew midwives, lied to the Egyptian authorities about the Hebrew mothers’ giving birth before they could arrive on the scene (and kill the male infants). According to vv. 20-21, God rewarded the midwives and gave them families.

Moving to the New Testament, there were many times when Jesus concealed the truth, although he never outright lied.

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