For those who have seen The Godfather trilogy, I struggle to understand the confession scene from a Catholic perspective. I know it’s just a movie and not going to be 100% true to liturgy, and the Sacraments aren’t the focus of the movie, but I’m just curious. Was Michael given absolution or not?
After talking about hardness of heart, and yet insisting that Michael keep going with his confession (despite Michael flat-out asking “Why confess if I’m unrepentant?”), once Michael eventually confessed to killing Fredo, the Cardinal said that Michael’s life is redeemable “but you don’t believe that, so you’ll never change.” But, despite saying he’ll never change, the Cardinal proceeded to seemingly give him absolution anyway…? Wha…? Am I missing something?
After talking about hardness of heart, and yet insisting that Michael keep going with his confession (despite Michael flat-out asking “Why confess if I’m unrepentant?”), once Michael eventually confessed to killing Fredo, the Cardinal said that Michael’s life is redeemable “but you don’t believe that, so you’ll never change.” But, despite saying he’ll never change, the Cardinal proceeded to seemingly give him absolution anyway…? Wha…? Am I missing something?