Question about Validity of Confession

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Just fyi I struggle with scrupulosity. A few weeks ago I was talking to someone, and I said something that I thought was just stretching the truth at the time. It was to avoid an awkward situation, and I wasn’t proud of it but I didn’t think it was a big deal. I did my normal confession about a week later, and during my examination of conscience beforehand I thought about the incident and genuinely didn’t think it was sinful. I had contrition and I genuinely meant to confess all my sins, but I didn’t confess lying because I didn’t believe that I had. Now I’m thinking back on it and I realize it was a lie and that is was sinful, thought not mortally because it wasn’t a serious matter at all. But now I’m not sure if my confession was valid, or what I need to do. Advice and thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
The best advice for those dealing with scrupulosity — don’t ask on the internet; consult a priest directly.
St.MaxKolbe, in order for a confession to be valid one has to have contrition for all mortal sins and a firm resolve to not commit any mortal sins again. In order for venial sins to be forgiven, one has to be sorry for at least one venial sin and plan to not commit it again. However, not confessing or having contrition for any of your venial sins does not invalidate a confession. In this scenario, the lie appears to be only a venial sin as it was only to avoid an awkward situation.

Hope this helps clear things up for you.
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