Question about withholding sex from your spouse

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I have never seen an official church teaching that says withholding sex from your spouse is a mortal sin, and that is what I’m expecting the OP to provide here.
The teaching of the Church regarding the serious (but not unlimited) obligation towards the marital debt is well known.

It is stated in 1 Corinthians 7, and has been consistently taught since, including the Church fathers. Augustine writes on it extensively. St Aquinas covers it in the Summa. You can find it in the Catechism of Trent.

You can find the teaching reiterated in Casti Connubii, 25:

It is certainly the consistent teaching of the Church.
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Thanks for providing the correct teaching, 1ke.I don’t think it’s that “well known” though, or the OP would have cited to it.

The reason I asked OP for source is because OP had a previous thread regarding valid marriage and sex a few days ago, and one poster suggested in the thread that he would PM him some material on the matter. Given that the OP then comes back with the topic at hand, it is reasonable to wonder just what he may have been PM’ed or otherwise read. We have had plenty of bad information regarding the “marital debt “ on here in the past. Moreover, when a person makes a completely unsourced claim, they should source it so we can respond to it with the appropriate arguments.

I was actually previously aware that you have made past posts on this subject citing to both Scripture and Aquinas and Casti Connubi as your past posts are easily found with search function, but I didn’t link them as I was hoping the OP would respond. As it is, I think unless the OP actually gives some context for the original post, any further discussion of this might not be productive.
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