What about State and local “discrimination” laws.???Back to the board after the weekend. Thanks for the reply.
(1) On whether limiting antidiscrimination protection to some orientations and not others would lead to the law being “struck down,” again this is private employment. Private employers can hire as they please unless there’s a form of discrimination forbidden by some statute. The federal equal protection clause does not apply to private employment; there’s no general principle that employment decisions have to be fair, or even sensible.
And as I said "Sexual orientation” is a highly ambiguous term loaded with hidden false assumptions. If a “class” is not specified if could be included. Other “classes” could argue for the status of “Sexual Orientation” to make charges of discrimination.As I said in the other post, if someone is not in the class protected by the statute, they’re not protected.
Probably because it is a very real possibility. A child molester (Sexually oriented towards children) could maintain that his/her orientation is not conduct and therefore should be hired. A state law forbidding discrimination based on sexual “orientation” would then REQUIRE a private school to hire a child molester.(2) I don’t know what motive gays might have for not including other “orientations.”
I support equal rights for gays and I support exclusion of pedophilia because I support the employer’s right to not hire that person (at least under some circumstances), and also because that’s the only way such a law will pass. The really hard core anti-gays have promoted the scare tactic of employers being forced to hire child molesters, and enough people seem to believe it.
Then there should be no objection to the “policy clause”. If anything it would eliminate a lot of frivolous law suits.(3) On this proposal:
**“This policy shall not be construed to legitimize or protect any sexual conduct deserving of regulation in the public interest.” **
As I understand it, employers can refuse to hire someone, or fire someone, for conduct anyway if orientation is protected, even without this clause. That’s just common sense; as you said, conduct is not orientation.