Question concerning rainbow flag

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Showing our disgust and disapproval of the legalization of same-sex “marriage” in the United States is important, but burning their flag is not necessary or something that needs to be done.

May God bless you all on this Sunday! 🙂
I understand where the sentiment comes from, but it would cause more harm than good.

The rainbow flag is a political symbol, and as others have mentioned, burning it would be seen as a hate crime rather than free speech.
As many have said before, this is a terrible idea.

That is all.

Saint Joseph, Pray for us.
Is it OK for one to publicly burn the rainbow flag as an act of protest against the homosexual agenda, or would such an act be too uncharitable?
I had a look to see how much a flag would cost you, and noticed the first customer review on the page:

*"I am purchasing 10 of these flags, 8 of which I’m handing out to each of my neighbors, who have agreed to fly one of these flags in front of their houses to show our support of the gay couple who recently moved into our “once very friendly” neighborhood and became victims of vandals, who slashed the tires on their vehicles, and threw eggs and shot paintballs at their house and vehicles.

I spent 22 years fighting for my country so that ALL Americans would have the same rights, benefits, and opportunities, and I don’t regret a second of my service, nor the permanent injuries I sustained during my duty. I fought side-by-side with the most brave men and women this country has to offer, and some of them were gay. I didn’t care then and I don’t care now, because we were all one unit and we watched each other’s back. It’s always the people without personal sacrifice, who have never fought for and defended anyone or anything who complain the most. Well I’m going to show them what it means to fight for yourself, family & friends, neighbors, and for people unable or unwilling to fight for themselves." -*

Note also that burning polyester flags isn’t good for the environment. Recycle! :cool:
This kind of reversed iconoclasm - even if the flag does represent an objective evil - is not useful in converting a group of people that views itself to be on the side of compassion. The action would make the other side feel validated in their ways.

I would turn to the pro-life movement if you want effective example of enlightening a population. The focus on the pro-life movement is more-so on the value of life and its charismatic appeal to that part of the human heart & conscience which has not been darkened. It is a force of attraction. And you know what? It seems to be working. This isn’t to say you have a vow of silence over the evils of abortion, but when stating everything that is bad becomes the focal point of your ministry, you lose your attraction. It is interesting to note that Nietzsche, Marx, and Freud were all very vocal in accusing mankind of many evils, and yet St JPII points out how lacking they were in offering any solution.

Now that the Supreme Court has yet again opened the door to another evil, I think as Catholics we will need to look to our successes in the pro-life movement as the model to nourishing the sanctity of marriage as well. That’s the focal point: sacred, beautiful, blessed marriage & family.
Very well stated. We’re not burning abortion clinics. We’re educating people on the sanctity of life.
We’re not called to be dictators. We’re called to illuminate and educate.
My own preference has been to dispose of things given to me without a fuss. I’ve never been given a rainbow flag, but yes, I’ve destroyed brochures, ads, etc. celebrating immorality. But I don’t do it to be confrontational. I just do it because I have no wish to have things like that in my home, but also think it would be inappropriate simply to pass them along.

I certainly couldn’t imagine paying for such a thing simply to destroy it, especially when the profit gained by the person who made it or sold it would be used to further that particular agenda anyway.
I would support it!

There is currently a rainbow flag flying from a neighbor’s balcony in violation of the lease agreement. I am thinking of registering a complaint.
I think I would register a complaint. If that doesn’t work, buy a Christan flag and display it.
Is it OK for one to publicly burn the rainbow flag as an act of protest against the homosexual agenda, or would such an act be too uncharitable?
Examine your motivation. We are as Christians supposed to witness to others of the saving power of Christ and the healing of repentance. Burning the flag may be counterproductive and may drive away the people we are trying to reach.
Whatever we do, even if it’s simply speaking up about the truth, will always be portrayed negatively by the lame stream media. It’s only a flag. It’s more offensive for them to burn the Vatican flag than for one of us to burn a “gay pride” flag. A similar flag is suppose to represent Incan culture in Cuzco, Peru, and it’s a shame that something that is used to represent beauty and identity is used for a “gay” identity, whatever that is.
If anything, it would make the militants on the other side even more militant.

I wouldn’t do it, but if you must burn a flag, burn an ISIS flag!
I agree. if there is a flag that warrants burning - it is the ISIS flag.
Whatever we do, even if it’s simply speaking up about the truth, will always be portrayed negatively by the lame stream media. It’s only a flag. It’s more offensive for them to burn the Vatican flag than for one of us to burn a “gay pride” flag. A similar flag is suppose to represent Incan culture in Cuzco, Peru, and it’s a shame that something that is used to represent beauty and identity is used for a “gay” identity, whatever that is.
Violence and aggression cannot be used if one is to live the Christian life.
No, we don’t have to be doormats…but we can’t engage in their methods.
This kind of reversed iconoclasm - even if the flag does represent an objective evil - is not useful in converting a group of people that views itself to be on the side of compassion. The action would make the other side feel validated in their ways.

I would turn to the pro-life movement if you want effective example of enlightening a population. The focus on the pro-life movement is more-so on the value of life and its charismatic appeal to that part of the human heart & conscience which has not been darkened. It is a force of attraction. And you know what? It seems to be working. This isn’t to say you have a vow of silence over the evils of abortion, but when stating everything that is bad becomes the focal point of your ministry, you lose your attraction. It is interesting to note that Nietzsche, Marx, and Freud were all very vocal in accusing mankind of many evils, and yet St JPII points out how lacking they were in offering any solution.

Now that the Supreme Court has yet again opened the door to another evil, I think as Catholics we will need to look to our successes in the pro-life movement as the model to nourishing the sanctity of marriage as well. That’s the focal point: sacred, beautiful, blessed marriage & family.
Well said.

God bless,
If they like the rainbow flag so much, maybe we should make them all wear rainbow patches so we can easily tell who is gay and who isn’t.

And maybe you could burn a cross on their front lawn as well. That used to work quite well if I recall.
Is it OK for one to publicly burn the rainbow flag as an act of protest against the homosexual agenda, or would such an act be too uncharitable?
Some may question exactly the meaning of the flag, and consequently the meaning of your protest.

To my mind, burning flags is a violent, harsh and unrefined act, probably best avoided in most cases.
If they like the rainbow flag so much, maybe we should make them all wear rainbow patches so we can easily tell who is gay and who isn’t.
I just use my gaydar. It’s pretty accurate and keeps me safe.
if you look at that flag is has only 6 stripes not the 7 a real rainbow has… just occurred to me the connotations 6 has and the same with 7
if you look at that flag is has only 6 stripes not the 7 a real rainbow has… just occurred to me the connotations 6 has and the same with 7
“When hung vertically from the lamp posts of San Francisco’s Market Street, the center stripe was obscured by the post itself. Changing the flag design to one with an even number of stripes was the easiest way to rectify this, so the turquoise stripe was dropped, which resulted in a six stripe version of the flag — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.” -

Number of colors in the Vatican City flag — yellow, white, black (outlines), gold, grey, red — 6 :eek:

Or you could look at what the CCC says about superstitions: “2110 The first commandment forbids honoring gods other than the one Lord who has revealed himself to his people. It proscribes superstition and irreligion. Superstition in some sense represents a perverse excess of religion; irreligion is the vice contrary by defect to the virtue of religion”.
I just use my gaydar. It’s pretty accurate and keeps me safe.
Or you could look at what the CCC says about homosexuals: “2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.”
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