Question concerning "The Lawrence Welk Show"

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I actually take Geritol now. Yes, I’m anemic and I don’t eat particularly well or particularly much, so it helps quite a bit. I should go pop one shortly.

As for Betty White, this is my favorite Betty…her film debut, as a U.S. Senator. If only we could get rid of the AOC’s, Nancy Pelosis etc of this world and replace them with Betty Whites.

He was a Polish-born (I think) bandleader who had an oldies tv variety show on network television in the early 70’s or thereabouts. It was super inoffensive and by today’s standards, kind of bland.
I didn’t know Geritol existed still.

Oddly, I’ve been told Flintstones vitamins with iron are good for keeping iron levels up. Sometimes expectant moms can’t tolerate prenatal vitamins because they cause nausea. Flintstones are tolerated better.
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Yeah, Geritol is just a multivitamin with iron in it. They’re a little harder to find than when I was a kid, but they’re out there.

The main problem with them is that people who don’t have iron deficiency can make themselves sick taking iron supplements, so you’re supposed to check with your doc before you go taking that stuff.
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Didn’t know that; thanks. I always perceived him as having a light accent of some kind.
It’s my understanding that Lawrence Welk couldn’t relate to Beatles songs.
Loved the show growing up.

Occasionally someone on the show would sing a modern song of the day but it didn’t happen often. He often would tell the audience that he had no plans on changing his style.
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Completely agree. I liked the show for what it was and for him not changing just to fit the culture.
Oh yikes I remember that from when I was little. Who was the lady with the hat that always had a tag on it?
3% of an adult’s recommended daily intake of iron in a pint, according to the Internet. So drink thirty three pints and you should be fine.
I do wonder what was really in Geritol…never saw it in my house.
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Minnie Pearl was more the Laugh In or Hee Haw type. We get reruns of Hee Haw here: oh man, that’s RUDE show. Talk about stereotypes!
Oh yikes I remember that from when I was little. Who was the lady with the hat that always had a tag on it?
Minnie Pearl…who was the daughter of a prosperous businessman. Her husband ran an air charter business and did very well financially…she lived in a mansion next door to the Tennessee Governor’s Mansion.

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Yes that is true. As I said I like LW and if someone doesn’t, that’s okay too
My dad’s favorite piece that I learned was “Nola”, which could be described as “ragtime,” although not really.
When I was a teenager, I had the sheet music to “Nola” but I never did learn to play it. It was deifinitely not ragtime. By the time I was in my early teens, I had had about all I wanted of playing the piano. Took lessons for a time and all that, but it was just not fun anymore. Then I went to a ragtime concert put on by a guy named “Ragtime” Bob Darch. The following week I visited with my grandmother, who had been a piano player back in the silent movie days when she was a girl. She had a couple of ragtime pieces of music and gave them to me. I presented them to my music teacher and he agreed to switch me from classical to ragtime. I got pretty good at it. Ragtime is “written to be played”. Once you get the syncopation down, it’s easy because your hands are almost always in the right place for the next notes. Some pieces do require a bit of force and a significant reach.

But “Nola” is an altogether different thing. It’s syncopated, but in a different way from any ragtime I ever played. My hat’s off to you.
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Thank you. I knew it was Minnie something or other (couldn’t remember her last name).
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