the questions i quoted above are what i’m most concerned with right now. i think i’m on the verge of being able to prove what i want to prove with this verse! however, any info you have available on tense/case/mood/voice would still be appreciated.
Simple Aspect - presents it simply.
Progressive Aspect - presents it as continuously happening.
Repeated Aspect - Presents it as happening repeatedly or habitually.
Completed- Presents the action as completed in the past.
There are seven tenses in Greek. Present, Perfect, Aurist, Imperfect, Pluperfect, Future, and Future Perfect.
The present tense has either a progressive aspect or a repeated aspect. It is also in the present time. For the verb to fill and 1st person you would translate it as “I fill”(repeated) or “I am filling”.
The perfect tense is completed aspect in present time. It expresses an action that occured in the past but the effects are still in effect in the present time. It would be translated as, “I have filled”(it is still full).
The Aurist tense is simple aspect in past time. It expresses something that is independant of the present. It presents it very planely. It would be translated, “I filled”.
Imperfect tense is progressive or repeated aspect in the past time. It expresses something that was happening continuously or repeatedly. It translates, “I was filling”.
Pluperfect tense is completed and it is past tense. It expresses something that happened previously to an event or by a specific time. For example in the bible when it uses the term “full of grace” for Stephen, it also uses the pluperfect tense in Greek. It is understood as Stephen having been filled with grace previously to his martyrdom. With the verb to fill it is, “I had filled”.
The Future tense is progressive or repeated aspect or also simple aspect in Future time. “I will fill”.
The Future Pluperfect is in completed aspect and future time. It is translated as “I will have filled”.