Well, I agree with much of what you say → I thought your few moments of pleasure referred to sex or masturbation. That said, while your “don’t sweat it” advice is appropriate in some cases, particularly for people struggling with scrupulosity, it’s also very dangerous to say in general because it can easily lull people into a false sense of security that we’re doing all right, when in fact, we might not be at all.
“Oh well, God will understand.” “Oh well, what do you expect? I’m only human.”
I see everything as a war, and we must constantly be on our guard against Satan. He’s smart enough not to hit you straight on, but to come as a Trojan horse, or a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And statements like the foregoing can be a slipperly slope, once a person takes them for granted as a matter of course…
Some sins result in irretrievable irreversible consequences… murder, for example, can never be “undone” or be made up for… God may choose to forgive a murderer, but the victim is unlikely to be brought back to life and the family of the victim will likely be traumatized for decades.
Other sins, so-called solitary sins or habitual sins, can be overcome. There may not be much damage to be “undone”, as might be the case in the example above. If part of the sin involves purchase of pornography, then as part of the penance, the money could instead be diverted into a poor box or something similar.
The key is to avoid falling into a state of despair. And to take active measures to overcome the faults and failings. keep going to church. Frequent confession. Get a personal spiritual director. Find some books or activities that keep the mind occupied on other, more wholesome, things.
Keep in mind that although not everyone may be burdened with exactly the same issues, pretty much everyone is burdened with something that makes them crazy and that they would like to change, but have difficulty dealing with.
There is an interesting monthly newsletter, “Scrupulous Anonymous” published by Liguori. Send a note to “Scrupulous Anonymous”, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. It’s free, but include some money to defray the expenses and postage. One of the former directors, Fr. Santa wrote a book, “Understanding Scrupulousity” which you can buy.