I’d like to hear from converts (recent and long ago) about how their process (RCIA, individual study, whatever) dealt with presenting them with the teachings of the Church (both faith and morals) and how their acceptance (or rejection) was tested (or not). What I’d like to know is:
*]Did you have to accept ALL the teachings of the Church? Or did they soft peddle some and let them slide?
*]How was your acceptance “tested”? I know at the Rite of Initiation candidates make a statement of faith, but did you do something more?
*]Did any of you admit rejecting some of the teachings but were accepted any way?
*]If you rejected some of the teachings did that change later on so that you accept them now?
*]Are there still teachings you reject? (Doubts don’t count).
I want to make it clear that my personal opinion is that everyone should have all aspects of the faith fully and clearly explained and that they should not be received into the Church until they can fully accept these teachings. What I’m after is to see what the actual practice is out there.