To be more accurate never leave food without supervision if there is a beagle within 50km.Never ever leave a beagle without supervision. Just sayin’…

To be more accurate never leave food without supervision if there is a beagle within 50km.Never ever leave a beagle without supervision. Just sayin’…
I’ve heard that beagles chew anything. My former supervisor (retired now) had a beagle, and it ate a whole jar (plastic) of vaseline jelly. Eugh! It was quite the mess.There are other reasons to not leave them unsupervised. I could write a book.
Oh, wow. How awful…and how funny, too. I hope your dog was OK.Mine ate my leather sofa.
Wow, beagles are smart! No wonder Snoopy is a beagle!You know that warming drawer at the bottom of electric ranges where everyone keeps pans? We had a beagle who could open that drawer to sniff for any crumbs.