Question for husbands and wives

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I looked for so many years for a fellow who could compare to my Dad. Wow! Did I ever find him (finally!). My husband is the greatest! He’s so clever, honest, funny and handsome. I love the sound of his voice, even at night when he tells me ghost stories and scares me into snuggling close (what a nerd!!!). I really have to say……God has given me the greatest gift in this wonderful man. Not to say that we don’t argue…because I’m impossible for anyone but him. I’ve actually had people tell me how lucky I was to find him because no one else could tolerate me for long without going nuts. Needless to say, I don’t invite them over for dinner! I just wanted to post this because I’m watching him chatting with some clients on the phone…totally mundane…and this huge wave of love hit me like a tidal wave! We’ve been married for 8 years now (dated for 5)…and I still get goosebumps when I look at him (not always…but often…I am not mushy).

I’m curious to ask the married ladies and gentlemen on this forum….What makes you love your husband or wife? What is the one thing that you could not get from anyone but your spouse, or give to anyone but your spouse? How is it that after soooo many years of trials and tribulations, failures and successes, I couldn’t imagine going through life with ayone else? What brings this on? How can I look at this man whose life I’ve shared through thick and thin, sickness and health, better or worse…and just beg God for more? Wow! I LOVE BEING MARRIED TO THIS MAN…HE’S THE BESTEST !(spelling error was intentional)
Ahh -such a relief from all the negitive marriage issues as of late on the forum.

I’m sure people on the forum are quite sick of me gushing about my hubby but hey I just can’t pass up the opportunity to do it once again.

My hubby is a sweety. He has always supported me in whatever I felt called to. He has never and I mean never said a said a nasty or insulting remark when we have a disagreement. Not even “that’s stupid” has crossed his lips when referring to any of my opinions.

He is an amazing dad -very playful, very willing spend alot of time with our daughter, very tender - despite the fact that he was raised by a distant, controlling, abusive father.

He works his butt off at a job he really dislikes putting in long days to support our family.

For a man who grew with a very negative introduction to religion as child and was “agnostic” in our early days he has become a strong, faithful Catholic. And it absolutely gives me goosebumps to see his head bowed in prayer at Mass.

We have been married for nearly 15 years and have been together for almost 17 years (since our highschool days). I completely relate to feelings when you mention a “wave of love” hitting you. Sometimes I watch him in his sleep just feeling so overwhelmingly blessed to have him in my life. His smile makes my heart melt. I can’t see him at the moment because he’s working a 12 hour shift over time to support us.

When I was in the hospital earlier this week we cuddled up in my hospital bed and I fell asleep in his arms. Just being in his presence makes me feel safe and secure.

A few years ago I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance while my hubby was at work. As soon as he got there the emergency room nurse noticed and mentioned how much more relaxed I was as soon as I saw his face.

Not to mention he’s such a cutie!

Praise be to Jesus Christ for blessing me this man!
Oh I forgot to mention since he works afternoon shift and I work part time during the day -he teaches half the subjects to out daughter whom we homeschool.
I hope you share thses beautiful sentiments with your husband-it would make his year to know you a re still so crazy about him!!
Even when I want to throw my husband off a cliff 😉 I love him to death.

We met in the Air Force when I was 18 and I fell in love the minute I laid eyes on him and it only got better as I got to know him.
We have travelled all over the world for the last 15 1/2 years and look forward to our continuing adventures. He supports me, gooses me when I need it, was my sponsor when I joined the Church, told me “of course you can” when I panicked and thought I wasn’t qualified to teach CCD, he makes me laugh, he makes me crazy,

I only hope I’m as good to him as he is to me.
actually my wife and i arent in love anymore. basically we hate each other. she klinked me with a frying pan, and it landed her in jail. albeit i helped put her there, where she stayed for 4 months until her sentence was commuted.

she has since made my life a living hell. i can honestly say that if she left the planet (or even the continent) my life would be sooooo much better.

i have getogethers at my house of my police, paramedic, and classmate frriends. and most of them are there to avoid being at home with their wives. oftentimes, ill let one or more guys stay over because they just dont want to go home. im the guy with a house all his own now.

i dont think i know a man who, when talking to me honestly, says he is happy in his marriage. i sure know for a while that i pretended to be happy and just did what she said and wanted to keep her quiet and off my back.

i cant fathom the fact after 8 years you are still that happy. after a couple of years for me, i dreaded going home. i know the church’s teaching on divorce, but id positively rather go through life single than spend another 50 years with that woman. and she feels exactly the same way.
actually my wife and i arent in love anymore. basically we hate each other. she klinked me with a frying pan, and it landed her in jail. albeit i helped put her there, where she stayed for 4 months until her sentence was commuted.

she has since made my life a living hell. i can honestly say that if she left the planet (or even the continent) my life would be sooooo much better.

i have getogethers at my house of my police, paramedic, and classmate frriends. and most of them are there to avoid being at home with their wives. oftentimes, ill let one or more guys stay over because they just dont want to go home. im the guy with a house all his own now.

i dont think i know a man who, when talking to me honestly, says he is happy in his marriage. i sure know for a while that i pretended to be happy and just did what she said and wanted to keep her quiet and off my back.

i cant fathom the fact after 8 years you are still that happy. after a couple of years for me, i dreaded going home. i know the church’s teaching on divorce, but id positively rather go through life single than spend another 50 years with that woman. and she feels exactly the same way.
I am sorry, but this is a very sad post. Eight years is too much for you? My parents have been married 25 and my aunt and uncle even longer than that.

If this is the mindset of people these days, not being happy… the world is turning into a very sad and dark place.
Well, I’ve been married nearly 14 years and after this time, we are happier and more in love than ever. We’ve been together through thick and thin, good times and bad, health challenges and have produced five lovely children. My husband is truly my ‘other half’ and I can’t imagine being without him.

Why? I’m not sure. We just clicked from the moment we met. It’s as if we were made for each other. My husband is so caring. A great companion, intelligent company, we love to chat, cuddle, do things. We have similar goals and help each other attain them. We are generous with each other. I can’t imagine being without my husband. We don’t argue because we are so much of a like mind. He is truly my best friend.

I hope we live a long and happy life together. (All that and he’s not even Catholic ;-).
It was my hubby’s kiss that made me fall in love. He has the softest lips.👍 But what helped keep me, was the level of comfort that I felt around him. I have always been shy and it takes me awhile to warm up. WIth my husband, I was automatically at ease. He has a wonderful sense of humor and makes me laugh. Plus, it doesn’t bother him when I get silly-which happens when I am tired.

He is intelligent and always has the most interesting views on things. I love to talk about current events with him.

He is a true gentleman and even after almost 18 years of marriage, he still opens doors for me. I know that he respects me and I respect him also. I really believe that he would walk through the fires of hell for me.

Our family always comes first with him. Right now he is going to school four nights a week, in order to make a better income for our family. I am so proud of him.

He is one of the most honest people that I know. Doing what is right is important to him. I can’t imagine him ever lying to me.

I really think that God meant for us to be together. It is almost a cliche to say that your spouse is your best friend, but in our situation, my hubby really is my best friend.
Umm…guys? Where are the guys? There has to be some happily married men on this forum. I know getting mushy is not in your nature but could ya share a little?
actually my wife and i arent in love anymore. basically we hate each other. she klinked me with a frying pan, and it landed her in jail. albeit i helped put her there, where she stayed for 4 months until her sentence was commuted.

she has since made my life a living hell. i can honestly say that if she left the planet (or even the continent) my life would be sooooo much better.

i have getogethers at my house of my police, paramedic, and classmate frriends. and most of them are there to avoid being at home with their wives. oftentimes, ill let one or more guys stay over because they just dont want to go home. im the guy with a house all his own now.

i dont think i know a man who, when talking to me honestly, says he is happy in his marriage. i sure know for a while that i pretended to be happy and just did what she said and wanted to keep her quiet and off my back.

i cant fathom the fact after 8 years you are still that happy. after a couple of years for me, i dreaded going home. i know the church’s teaching on divorce, but id positively rather go through life single than spend another 50 years with that woman. and she feels exactly the same way.
One of the aspects of newly married life that amazed me as a young wife, was the number of my married friends who were miserable. 😦 After a while, I began to feel pretty isolated. All my married friends would get together and complain and complain about their spouses. I had nothing bad to say about my hubby. He was and is a sweetheart.:yup:

Now that I am older, I am coming across many more people that are happy in their marriage. I am not certain why that is. I can only guess that those who had problems, either straightened themselves out or got divorced. Also, I now have more christian couples as friends, so perhaps faith and religion play a part in a couple’s happiness.:hmmm:
My husband is not the most handsome man. He can be a real grump sometimes; he can be obsessive about things, and he does have a big bark. But the reason why I love him so much is that we understand each other soooo well! He knows where I’m coming from, I know where he’s coming from. He supports me in anything I do; he a loving father to our son and his two step-sons (from a previous marragie of mine). He’s wonderful to talk to about anything - and I mean anything! He’s very insightful, playful, helpful (especially in the house), and we love doing things together.

A lot of people can misunderstand my husband - he doesn’t socialize too much, and he can get kinda opinionated. But my close friends who know him say he’s a really good guy, and that I lucked out in finding him. I agree, too! :love:
I looked for so many years for a fellow who could compare to my Dad. Wow! Did I ever find him (finally!). My husband is the greatest!
I’d print and save this post. Read it at your 50th wedding anniversary party.

BTW, my folks have theirs in a couple of weeks!
I was originally attracted to him in high school because he seemed so different from my dad (and brothers), but the longer we are married (going on 37 years) the more resemblence in essentials do I see with my dad, may God rest his soul. He still has absolutely nothing in common with my brothers, however. My parents almost blew the romance from the beginning by approving of him strongly, but true love prevailed over teenage rebellion.
Doesn’t this post make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside??

My hubby and I have been married for 4 years, a couple for 9 years, and plan on staying that way until death do us part - and even then we will be waiting to be together again for eternity.

There is not another person like him on this earth. Sometimes I think of him and have this feeling of urgency that I need to kiss him and tell him I love him right now!! If he is working or something I will call him to let him know (on his cell phone, which he is allowed to have on). And at other times I will look at him, especially at night, and I will get such a heavy feeling in my heart that I do not know how to be me without him. Such love that it almost can take your breath away - and the world stops.

He never stops treating me like I am a treasure, hopefully I do the same for him.

In one of Gwendolyn Brook’s poems she refers to love as “the beautiful half of a golden hurt” - that always sticks in my mind. Love is so intense it can hurt, but you would rather feel pain with the one you love rather than complete happiness without ever having sorrow alone.

Better go give hubby a smooch now.
And at other times I will look at him, especially at night, and I will get such a heavy feeling in my heart that I do not know how to be me without him.
I do that too!!:yup:

I guess I’m still kind of a newlywed - 1&1/2 years now… I love him dearly. We fight sometimes, but he is NEVER mean to me or insults me or anything like that. He barely raises his voice. In all honesty, I think he’s a better person than I am.

When I decided to make my Catholic faith foremost in what I do in my life he supported me. We stumbled a little with NFP but once he understood how important it was to me he accepted it fully. He goes to church with me every week and listens. He is thinking of possibly going to RCIA next month (yes!!) He is very accepting and supportive of my faith.
He has an awesome job that he is very good at and supports us well. He really takes care of me and I don’t know what I would do without him.

I think our personalities match very well…I’m a little more outgoing but he will go along quietly in his own way. When we started dating, people would smile at us and say, “you guys are so good together…” 🙂

He takes care of me, supports me, accepts me, is my comfort and my strength. He is intelligent and thoughtful. He tells me several times a day that he loves me and “you look pretty today, baby” stuff like that. He has this silly look that he gives me that makes my heart melt. When I was sick several months ago he slept on the uncomfy couch in my hospital room, because he knew I hated hospitals and doctors and being sick and all that. My mother even commented on how great that was of him.
I love him very much & I am incredibly blessed to have him. He is a very good man.
And he’s good lookin’ too. 🙂 😛
Not a single man has praised his wife! :crying:

Please tell me BioCatholic isn’t right -are you guys out there just pretending to like us?:hmmm:
I understand completely. My husband and I were highschool and college sweethearts, dated for five years and have been married for ten… that’s fifteen years. I’m thirty that’s half my life folks.

He is my best friend. We hardly ever argue, and we always make up right away. We never get tired of being together, but that might be because we always have breaks from each other with his frequent missions in military service. We are still attracted to each other, have a great love life! He has a wonderful voice, relaxing and pleasant. He is passionate about life, his career, his wife, his children. He balances his career and family amazingly well. He appreciates me, always tells me he loves me. We respect each other. It has been such an incredible gift that I have watched him grow from this amazingly intelligent, athletic, attractive, moral eagle scout, of a seventeen year old, full of potential to the incredible thirty two year old man I have before me now, who has surpassed all of his potential. It makes me so happy that he has laugh lines and the corners of his eyes are getting little crinkles from smiling. We have been through so much together, have matured and grown from kids to responsible adults with kids. HE was an AMAZING birthing coach, by the way. My doctors were always impressed. He has a finder’s keepers approach to diapers, he is a hand’s on dad and gives them equal parenting when he is home. He even does housework, and cooks when he is home.I love the way he looks, the way he smells and the way he walks. He is faithful, dedicated and a man who takes his relationship with Christ seriously. He risks his life for others, serves his country and his God and his family.

He is my forever valentine. We started dating on Valentines Day 1991. He says he saw me when I was in eigth grade and it was love at first sight, but he had to wait until I was old enough to go on dates. So he waited patiently as our friendship grew. He is a man who believes in love at first site because that is what we had. This year will be our sixteenth Valentines Day. But he claims that he has been in love with me for eighteen years.

I can’t imagine my life without him, he is my lifetime love and I want nothing more than to help him and love him every step of our life together. Marriage is our vocation, and it is a joy.
actually my wife and i arent in love anymore. basically we hate each other. she klinked me with a frying pan, and it landed her in jail. albeit i helped put her there, where she stayed for 4 months until her sentence was commuted.

she has since made my life a living hell. i can honestly say that if she left the planet (or even the continent) my life would be sooooo much better.

i have getogethers at my house of my police, paramedic, and classmate frriends. and most of them are there to avoid being at home with their wives. oftentimes, ill let one or more guys stay over because they just dont want to go home. im the guy with a house all his own now.

i dont think i know a man who, when talking to me honestly, says he is happy in his marriage. i sure know for a while that i pretended to be happy and just did what she said and wanted to keep her quiet and off my back.

i cant fathom the fact after 8 years you are still that happy. after a couple of years for me, i dreaded going home. i know the church’s teaching on divorce, but id positively rather go through life single than spend another 50 years with that woman. and she feels exactly the same way.
This is so depressing! You must have married the wrong person.
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