
A thought after reading the post by BioCatholic…actually my wife and i arent in love anymore. basically we hate each other. she klinked me with a frying pan, and it landed her in jail. albeit i helped put her there, where she stayed for 4 months until her sentence was commuted.
she has since made my life a living hell. i can honestly say that if she left the planet (or even the continent) my life would be sooooo much better.
i have getogethers at my house of my police, paramedic, and classmate frriends. and most of them are there to avoid being at home with their wives. oftentimes, ill let one or more guys stay over because they just dont want to go home. im the guy with a house all his own now.
i dont think i know a man who, when talking to me honestly, says he is happy in his marriage. i sure know for a while that i pretended to be happy and just did what she said and wanted to keep her quiet and off my back.
i cant fathom the fact after 8 years you are still that happy. after a couple of years for me, i dreaded going home. i know the church’s teaching on divorce, but id positively rather go through life single than spend another 50 years with that woman. and she feels exactly the same way.
I am not a woman who cares for warm fuzzy affectionate stuff and I wonder if BioCatholic is really unhappy or if he is trying to be funny. If it was a post about his unhappy state in life, I feel sorry for him. I hope that you will be happy in your life.
I spoke with my DH after reading this and asked how men usually speak to each other about being married. He siad “We don’t.” He stated what I have always observed about men (and I have 2 brothers and a dad). Men don’t really talk to each other. Sometimes a grunt to tell them to adjust the volume or pass a wrench, but men don’t have conversations about this. This is one of those Mars / Venus things. He siad that other married men that he is friends with are just part of the club and they share funny stories about kids or cars, but not much about their love lives. My husband and I have a good marriage. His single friends hang out with us and have siad things like “I would like to just wake up one day and have been married for ten years” or joke around and say, “Do you have a sister”. I let him do his guy stuff, I don’t ride him about no coaster on the coffee table and he lets me talk continuosly and what she said to so and so. We intentionally avoid people with bad marriages. It is just uncomfortable and no fun to hang out with those people. Have you ever watched SNL and seen that skit with “The Couple that should be divorced”. Its really that uncomfortable in real life too.
Have you ever seen the show “Everbody Loves Raymond”? It is our life and we just watch that show and laugh! the only difference that we are Irish and they are Italian…and both of our mothers are annoying! One time I got really mad at his mom and siad “Thats it, * you * are talking to your mom for now on!” He replied “Thats not right!” and I siad “You deal with your family, I’ll deal with mine.” He thought about it and we shook on it.
Things we do to keep our marriage strong?
1.Never say things like “In my next marriage I’ll by that other table” or “I get that clock in the divorce” like people say as a joke. My parents siad that kind of joke my entire life and they divorced a year after I got married.
2. I tell him when he does something right,
3. I tell him I love him, especially in front of the kids.
4. I tell him when he is ticking me off and how to stop it!
5. Hang out with other people who have good marriages.
6. Have intelligent conversations with him (when was the last time you counted the time signature to song and talked about the music theory in the chord progession?)
BioCatholic–I think you need to go to www.retrouvaille.org
It may save your marriage.