Now there are many people in the right to life movement who are one-issue voters. To them a candidate’s stand on abortion is the only thing that matters and the only criterion they use in selection.
My opinion is that abortion is pretty much here to stay, regardless of the opinions of a group of Americans. Too many other Americans are addicted to the idea of abortion on demand and sex without consequences. The forces of the sexual revolution won in a big way and their values have saturated the nation. I cannot imagine anything reversing the sexual revolution for centuries.
Once people have things the “easy” way, they’re not gonna go back. The time to close the barn door is not after the horse has run out. Culture tends away from morality and towards license, and it calls that license by the misnomer of “freedom.”
Now, if politicians aren’t going to do anything about abortion, if they’re just going to mouth pretty sound bytes and stir up emotions but not really do anything, then why support them, why vote for them, why follow everything they say and decide in lock-step, then declare these men and women to be great leaders?
If they’re not going to do the one thing you voted them in for, then why waste your vote? And don’t tell me, “Because it’s the moral thing to do,” or “Because I can sleep well at night knowing I did God’s will.” If these people aren’t going to lift a hand or do more than a token gesture towards supporting your issue, perhaps you ought to consider the many other pressing issues facing us today. If this people have been elected to do one thing and they don’t do that thing, then is there really a democratic process in action here?
Personally, I am disgusted by all politicians and all political parties, and this is based on 25 years working in the thick of it on local, state, and national levels. I don’t think the system works. I don’t like the Republicans or the Democrats or any other party. And I’ve said it before on this site and will say it again: I think the GOP is playing Christians for suckers, mouthing their support for the pro-life cause, doing nothing about it, and using us as a voting bloc.Pro-life rhetoric is their particular brand of bread and circuses, used to keep us in the crowd happy while they go do their thing.
What say you?
Please read this thoroughly before you attack as a lefty.
My opinion is that abortion is pretty much here to stay, regardless of the opinions of a group of Americans. Too many other Americans are addicted to the idea of abortion on demand and sex without consequences. The forces of the sexual revolution won in a big way and their values have saturated the nation. I cannot imagine anything reversing the sexual revolution for centuries.
Once people have things the “easy” way, they’re not gonna go back. The time to close the barn door is not after the horse has run out. Culture tends away from morality and towards license, and it calls that license by the misnomer of “freedom.”
Now, if politicians aren’t going to do anything about abortion, if they’re just going to mouth pretty sound bytes and stir up emotions but not really do anything, then why support them, why vote for them, why follow everything they say and decide in lock-step, then declare these men and women to be great leaders?
If they’re not going to do the one thing you voted them in for, then why waste your vote? And don’t tell me, “Because it’s the moral thing to do,” or “Because I can sleep well at night knowing I did God’s will.” If these people aren’t going to lift a hand or do more than a token gesture towards supporting your issue, perhaps you ought to consider the many other pressing issues facing us today. If this people have been elected to do one thing and they don’t do that thing, then is there really a democratic process in action here?
Personally, I am disgusted by all politicians and all political parties, and this is based on 25 years working in the thick of it on local, state, and national levels. I don’t think the system works. I don’t like the Republicans or the Democrats or any other party. And I’ve said it before on this site and will say it again: I think the GOP is playing Christians for suckers, mouthing their support for the pro-life cause, doing nothing about it, and using us as a voting bloc.Pro-life rhetoric is their particular brand of bread and circuses, used to keep us in the crowd happy while they go do their thing.
What say you?
Please read this thoroughly before you attack as a lefty.