Get a copy of Christopher West’s “Good News About Sex and Marriage” - read it, then read it with her 

I’m confused… is her wanting to have a career a huge red flag or that she doesn’t want children the red flag?The feminist propaganda has ruined so many otherwise fine, intelligent young women these days. They’ve been groomed from day one to be career, career, career women, and that’s it. This is a huge red flag and you need to get out of this relationship.
It’s (the feminist movement) groomed young women to suppress their maternal instincts and think that defering motherhood is the right and proper way to go about life. They are, instead, encouraged to become CEOs, which isn’t compatable with motherhood.I’m confused… is her wanting to have a career a huge red flag or that she doesn’t want children the red flag?
Oh, Lord. I can’t tell you the alarm bells that went off in my head when I read this! My mother has been “mad at God” for more than 20 years. She is selfish, self-involved, destructive to herself and others, and I think if she could go back and do her life over, she probably wouldn’t have gotten married or had children. She sees any relationship that puts any demand on her at all as something to run away from. She destroyed our family by divorcing my father when I was 8 years old, and this was after several times where she ran away from him and back to her family 2 states away, taking my brother and I with her for months at a time. After the divorce, she actively poisoned our minds against him and took us out of state away from him. When she finally messed up her life bad enough that she had to send us back to him, she disappeared for over a year and a half. We didn’t get a card, a phone call, nothing. Then she suddenly moved back to our city and succeeded in wedging me off from him and getting me to move in with her. It took me 3 years after that to extricate myself from the unhealthy mess of our relationship and get out on my own. She wanted me to be her emotional dumping ground, not her daughter. She says she got “mad at God” after her mother died of cancer, but I think that’s just an excuse. She spent much of my youth filling my head with negative propaganda about the Catholic Church and actively discouraging my faith. She thinks individual Catholics can be good people, but that the institutional Church itself has nothing good to offer the world and just wants to control people.But the problem is she is a little mad at God right now (which is a major problem I realize and am trying to work through it with her).