Once your saved your always saved right? Even if you committed a mortal sin and die or have lived a major sinful life and turn against God. You know after your baptized or something?
If this were true, there would be no need for the sacrament of reconciliation/confession.Once your saved your always saved right? Even if you committed a mortal sin and die or have lived a major sinful life and turn against God. You know after your baptized or something?
That would not be correct.Once baptized you cannot be “unbaptized”, there is an indelible mark on the soul.
That mark will be there even if the person rejects God and ends up in hell.
I believe you are mistaken father.Not actually true. That’s not what excommunication means at all. It means you’re barred from receiving the sacraments. But baptism can never be undone. What seminary did you learn that at, Father?
My post had nothing to do with excommunication. Simply that baptism is an indelible mark on the soul.So yeah, excommunication is real and does happen occasionally.
Nothing I said contradicts the belief that baptism leaves a indelible mark on the soul. Your second statement however is what is troubling.My post had nothing to do with excommunication. Simply that baptism is an indelible mark on the soul.
Yes. I am frankly not sure how much baptismThat even if a person, after baptism, rejects God and ends up in hell that the indelible mark of baptism remains on the soul?
That is not what I said nor what I intended.Hell is eternal my friend, and baptism will not help you once your there.