I would also like to know the reason why you say “not SSPX”. I can understand the reservations of some. If you exclude the SSPX then the only other traditional options are the Fraternity of St Peter and the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.
This actually isn’t true. There are the Canons of New Jerusalem and the Canons of St. John Cantius–among many others, including Spanish groups. Look around for these.
It really does depend on where you stand on the Mass issue mainly. It is the Mass that matters. I have personally spoken at length with over a dozen priests and a bishop of the SSPX and a few priests of the FSSP and you will not find one SSPX priest who would say the New Mass, wheras many FSSP priests have said the Novus Ordo Mass.
So? Our Holy Father says it, why shouldn’t some curate of the FSSP? Its a matter of choice and they can’t be compelled to–that’s really all that matters. As a member of one of the old indult societies, you will not be forced to… but you’ll want to, because you love your flock and most of your flock grew up with the OF.
Also, from my own experience (others will have their own) I find that SSPX priests are more outspoken about the issues with Vatican II and the new errors, whereas FSSP tend to be more reserved, from the pulpit at least, tend to tip toe around the Bishop.
Speaking about these things will not change them. Re-integrating traditional elements back into the everyday practice of the Church will.
Also, some of the lecturers who teach in the FSSP would not be alowed the teach in the SSPX.
None of the lecturers who teach at the Winona seminary would be allowed to teach at the majority of Catholic seminaries in the world.
As you probably can tell I attend an SSPX Mass, and have deceided to do so after a long time of study and prayer. The SSPX is not schismatic, as the liberals would suggest nor was Archbishop Lefebvre excommunicated, facts which I have debated with many priests and an auxillary bishop.
** Naturally, much of what is said about the SSPX is hyperbole. This doesn’t change the fact that their negotiations with the Holy See are reaching an end, one fourth of their ‘episcopate’ has made a second career out of reactionary antisemitic rhetoric, and their absolutism ghettoizes** Catholic traditionalism.
I’ve detected a great many crypto-SSPX agent provocateurs on traditionalist forums, saying a great many things against the regularized Catholic groups who say the EO (e.g. that the ICKSP turn their seminarians into slaves, that they’re lavender-ized, &c.). I consider this very poor form.