Question Re: Loaves & Fishes

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Do I believe that Jesus literally made extra food and drink? …I sure do, but I do not think that these people’s interpretations are as detrimental as people are claiming them to be.

Would Jesus have been any less of the Son of God had he not done such a thing. We know God is great, we should not need to point to miracles to prove that…

He is not like a Saint where we need to document a miracle.

I do believe that when the Holy Spirit works through us to do good things that it is a miracle. When people give of themselves to help the poor that is a miracle of the Holy Spirit.

I think that is the problem with the “giving hypothesis.” I don’t remember any mention of the Holy Spirit doing the miracle; therefore, I think that we must hold that it was the Son part of the Trinity that did the miracle and hence the food multiplied by him and through him.
The miracle of the loaves and fishes is prefigured in 2 Kings 4:42-44 with the prophet Elisha.
And there came a man over from Baetharisa, and brought to the man of God twenty barley loaves and cakes of figs, of the first-fruits. And he said, Give to the people, and let them eat.
And his servant said, Why should I set this before a hundred men? and he said, Give to the people, and let them eat; for thus saith the Lord, They shall eat and leave.
And they ate and left, according to the word of the Lord.
If Orthodox Catholic men started acted like men, we’d hear fewer novelties and heresies from the pulpit.
Although I’d probably prefer “little o” orthodox Catholic men, I couldn’t agree more.
Today at mass, the deacon informed the congregation that there was no “magic” at this event conveyed in the “story of the gospel”, that “the apostles and people simply shared out of their abundance and put in the basket what they had to share, which is what Jesus is calling us all to do.”

Where does this tripe come from?

Someone told me today that it comes from the “Jesus Seminar”…I’ll google that later, but can you point me to resources that will provide information on this seemingly well known error?


Maybe true, but in the context of raising Lazarus, restoring sight to the blind, casing out demons, etc., seems this miracle is minor in comparison. The last time I heard this from the pulpit, it was from a priest who soon left the priesthood. I would suggest that this kind of talk indicates some crisis of faith. This deacon needs our prayers.
Well, what happened at the Wedding Feast at Cana, then? Did the guests all have flasks tucked away in their robes and pull them out when the hosts’ wine ran out? And nobody even needed the water in the jars after that. What a load of ****.

The miracles of Jesus prove that He has dominion over matter, which is necessary to know in order to believe in the Eucharist. I’d like to know what the people who promote this drivel believe about the Eucharist, wouldn’t you?

I live in Lexington, Kentucky. For those of you who are not aware, we are ground-zero for those who wish to destroy the church from within. Or at least we used to be until, thanks be to God, our bishop suddenly resigned after having been accused in the sexual abuse scandal. Last easter (03) the pastor of the Cathedral left on Holy Thursday because the woman he was “counseling” became pregnant with his child…and it wasn’t the first, either. The very sad story goes on and on like that in this diocese.

For the person who offered that I should have had a private conversation with the offending deacon, please don’t take any disrespect, but it’d be a lot like having a private discussion with Hitler about the Jews. The ONLY appropriate response was a very loud- a very obnoxiously loud rage against the apostacy. The volume came from the pain, not the anger.

Please be assured that I was very very hurt. In fact, in an effort to find my wife and children, I re-entered the church from a side door and came face to face with our new, holy bishop. I was so completely overwhelmed that I burst into tears, reduced to a sobbing idiot right there in front of His Excellency. That piled embarrassement on top of it all.

The result is that this deacon has been put on notice: it ain’t goin’ under the rug this time. In fact, there are about 6 people who have come along side of me and are going at this issue head-long. The time is right.

Additionally, I implore your prayers for our diocese and this deacon. I really choose to believe that it is his cruddy formation that is lacking. And looking at myself, I know that the worst are redeemable.

Thank you for your support, your prayers and the bandwidth. I am really amazed at the responses here!

God bless,

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