Would you be uncomfortable with a guy that has SSA,but masculine in the seminary?Would you consider him as a brother and be friends with him?
I’d hurry but i’m not even baptised yet.So it will be difficult for me,i know that.But i trust in God and if hes truly calling me,it’ll happen.Thanks for answeringSSA would not be something I would recommend revealing in seminary (except as needed to your SD and Confessor) not least because it might cause friction but it is not needed, when one enters seminary we set aside that sort of thing.
Another major reason is that it could be a “formation issue” it is getting harder and harder for men with SSA to make it to priesthood if it is not already (and it could be argued it is) then it is fast approaching time when it will not be permitted to Ordain a man who suffers from SSA. Partly due to the awful example of Priests with SSA who have caused scandals, promoted liberal views to homosexual acts or been part of the “Gay Lobby” the Holy Father has spoken of.
I would say if you feel a vocation and are strong enough not to give in to savage sexual temptation, and are willing to lock the SSA away under lock and key then go ahead and try. Do not be afraid to say wait and hold on until you are ready to enter.
I wish i had that.But i dont.I pray every day to Lord to get this away from me,but i’ve been experiencing this since i was like 5 years old…So its a very unfortunate spot im in right now.Im looking forward to just contacting mu spiritual director about this,hear what he has to say.And thank you so much for your prayersHello ChiefShepherd! I am currently a seminarian and rest assured, all men at one point of their life or another experience some sort of attraction to the same sex (according to my spiritual director). You’re not alone when it comes to you and your SSA! I would assume that most of the seminarians at my seminary would not mind a seminarian who has SSA provided that he wants to change, is spiritually fervent and is working it out with his spiritual director. If he does not possess the traits that I have stated above, I have fear that this person may, in the future, pose some problems to the spiritual welfare of the Seminary Community.
This is why the Vatican has released a document discouraging those with deep-seated homosexual tendencies to enter into a Seminary and pursue Holy Orders. (a copy of this document can be found here.)
Dominus noster tibi benedicat et ducat te in vitam aeternam!![]()
Just a quick question to this response, ( an I hope I did not take this out of context ), so if I did just disregard ,My first thought when you said this was, “Why would I have to know?” Seminarians don’t go on double dates with their girlfriends, and probably aren’t bantering a lot about hot female celebrities or chicks they liked in high school (at least I hope not), so it would be unlikely for an occasion causing you to reveal that you aren’t attracted to females would come up.
OK,im sorry i was just trying to get help because of something i saw from the internet that said if we allowed people with SSA to get in to the seminary,people would not join the seminaries because of the discomfortness of the envoirment.Im a person that wants to go to a seminary,and i have SSA.So i just wanted to know if i would be a problem for seminarians…I find this a weird question to pose and am curious why it was asked in the first place ?
If we are going to ask such questions then how about we keep it going,
how would seminarians feel knowing a fellow seminarian was an ex convict who had a horrible criminal record. ??
or how would one feel knowing a fellow seminarian was a convert who formerly use to worship satan to some degree.
The internet is such a joke in so many ways, God doesn’t call " perfect / or holy " people to serve Him, they get close to that point or reach that point after the fact and usually only after they leave this world to be with Him in Heaven.OK,im sorry i was just trying to get help because of something i saw from the internet that said if we allowed people with SSA to get in to the seminary,people would not join the seminaries because of the discomfortness of the envoirment.Im a person that wants to go to a seminary,and i have SSA.So i just wanted to know if i would be a problem for seminarians…
Well I will be honest, this is not an imminent issue for you. If I understand correctly then you have not yet been Baptised and Confirmed. This means you will be lacking in the Graces required for a true discernment. so I would just stop worrying about it as most places wont look at you until you have been in the Church (Baptised etc.) for three years, so this is at least four years away probably. In that time a lot can change, my advice is leave the discernment on hold for now until you have been received and then devote your prayer to discernment at that time.I guess you’re right.I’ve never thought it that way.I’m seriously thinking about joining a seminary,being a priest about a year now(i read the Bible and converted 1 year ago,too).I havent started my cathecumen lessons yet,and havent been baptised,but i feel like im called to the priesthood.I dont have any doubts about it,but i havent spoke to my Priest about this yet.And im really afraid that i’ll get a rejection.Thanks for answering!![]()
Amen!As a seminarian, I would treat him like the child of God that he is. To not treat him as a brother and a friend would beat odds with my calling and desire to be a priest becuase “anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister” (1 Jn 4:21).