Questionable T.V Programming Advice, Please

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I want to thank all the folks for responding to my thread about sewing!!! Since I received such good advice I would like to solicit MORE advice
.My children ages 7 and 10 were watching The Disney Channel and a show called “Braceface”. The plot of the show is this pre teen girl’s mother leaves for Hawaii on a vacation with her boyfriend. I told my children that’s abnormal and wrong behavior for a parent, and Disney is trying to normalize bad behavior. Another part of the plot is the kids have a party while the parent is gone, blah, blah, blah. Do you think it’s reasonable if I tell my children they can no longer watch such a show?.
Yes, it’s reasonable to stop allowing your children to watch this. Just because it says Disney doesn’t automatically make it good. Disney has gone downhill from the days of Bambi. (My husband calls Michael Eisner the anti-christ. He’s only joking so don’t anyone get down on me for that.) As you have noticed, a lot of these shows make the adults out as idiots. Since going away for the week-end with boyfriends is the norm in society today, it has extended itself into the world of T.V. By all means, protect your children!
We don’t have cable for that very reason - with four kids I can’t monitor everything they view so they are only allowed to watch PBS during afterschool hours. My kids don’t know any different so they don’t complain TOO much. We also borrow alot of movie from the library (we live across the street - how cool is that??) and we rent movies also. I say don’t let them watch the trash Disney thinks is normal. It will change their world view which I’m sure you’ve tried very hard to mold.
I want to thank all the folks for responding to my thread about sewing!!! Since I received such good advice I would like to solicit MORE advice
.My children ages 7 and 10 were watching The Disney Channel and a show called “Braceface”. The plot of the show is this pre teen girl’s mother leaves for Hawaii on a vacation with her boyfriend. I told my children that’s abnormal and wrong behavior for a parent, and Disney is trying to normalize bad behavior. Another part of the plot is the kids have a party while the parent is gone, blah, blah, blah. Do you think it’s reasonable if I tell my children they can no longer watch such a show?.
Hi Lily,
Am I glad you asked…! My granddaughter watches is from time to time when she is here…I dislike it very much! And, I don’t trust Disney shows any longer…too much made to look good…scary…:bigyikes:
Yes I think it is not only reasonable but your responsibility, my children are grown and do not live at home but I will still give my opinion on shows that they may watch or what my grandchildren watch. Some times pointing out the errors in a show can help even the older ones to lead to a judgement on their own, but for younger ones I would simply say this show is not appropriate, and does not hold the standards of our teachings or beliefs so for that reason… Or even a simpler route would Jesus want to sit and watch this show with you?
Why not try to anticipate the kind of films they will want to watch,tape them and check for unsavoury scenes before letting the children see them?Tape a short commercial over the bad bits.
Tell them at the appropriate time why you did that.
We have had a row over here about the type of school uniforms
they have been bringing out for young girls recently.Apparently,
they look like little Lolitas.I can’t say i’m surprised because people have been very liberal about the sex business while they
would complain a lot about swearing on TV.
I want to thank all the folks for responding to my thread about sewing!!! Since I received such good advice I would like to solicit MORE advice
.My children ages 7 and 10 were watching The Disney Channel and a show called “Braceface”. The plot of the show is this pre teen girl’s mother leaves for Hawaii on a vacation with her boyfriend. I told my children that’s abnormal and wrong behavior for a parent, and Disney is trying to normalize bad behavior. Another part of the plot is the kids have a party while the parent is gone, blah, blah, blah. Do you think it’s reasonable if I tell my children they can no longer watch such a show?.
Disney does not care about your children! Disney cares about making money.

From Communio et progressio (Vatican II): “Parents on their part should remember that it is their duty to see that entertainments and publications which might endanger faith and morals do not enter their houses and that their children are not exposed to them elsewhere.”

I don’t see how a parent can responsibly raise children and have cable TV. In fact based on this parents need to get rid of their TV’s. As parents we should be very active politically, calling for al a carte pricing of cable. That way we could buy only the stations that provide good programming.

I read a book recently called “How Not To Be Your Childs ATM” by Nathan Dungan. He points out how Disney, Viacom, et al use very sleezy marketing aimed at children. Their whole goals are to convince your children to buy their products. They aim to make your children financially irresponsible.

Catholics need to be very active and united concerning this issue. We need to reject the Disney culture. I have brought this up to other people I know. I am always amazed at how people initially think I am crazy. “How could your deprive your kids of Disney”! I think this response speaks for itself. This is what we have become in the consumer culture. We can’t live without Disney!

We have had a row over here about the type of school uniforms
they have been bringing out for young girls recently.Apparently,
they look like little Lolita​

I am not surprised. Look in any clothing stores for girls and they are dressing like women. Heals, bras, the whole 9 yards for 6-9 year olds.
Thank you for the responses folks. I wish my husband would get rid of the T.V, but he won’t. He wants to block those stations.
Do you think it’s reasonable if I tell my children they can no longer watch such a show?.
Yes. I think Disney is good up to a point and then they push the envelope. There is not need for us to go along with it. You’re being a good mom to actually monitor the programs. Whenever my son (13) watches TV and I am home, I am nearby and if it gets raunchy, I say what I think and ask him to change it. I disucss what it is that I find fault with. He and I have had many conversations just because of this and it has been good.
Buy a lot of videos!! Feature Films for Families is a good start. Also, watch out for some of the stuff on Nickelodeon, and by all means, ban Cartoon Network also!!

I don’t blame your husband for not wanting to get rid of the TV - if you’re used to watching it, that would be a big change. I think blocking the stations is a good start. 🙂 CM
I want to thank all the folks for responding to my thread about sewing!!! Since I received such good advice I would like to solicit MORE advice.
My children ages 7 and 10 were watching The Disney Channel and a show called “Braceface”. The plot of the show is this pre teen girl’s mother leaves for Hawaii on a vacation with her boyfriend. I told my children that’s abnormal and wrong behavior for a parent, and Disney is trying to normalize bad behavior. Another part of the plot is the kids have a party while the parent is gone, blah, blah, blah. Do you think it’s reasonable if I tell my children they can no longer watch such a show?.
I think it is perfectly reasonable! It is better for them not to watch and have good morals.
This is why I don’t have cable. I think calling Michael Eisner the anti-Christ even in jest is over the top though. Most of Disney’s movies we love. I can’t imagine anything better than Finding Nemo. I loved that movie as well. Disney makes the best kids’ movies.

The stuff on cartoon network can be very inappropriate and I would never let my child watch The Simpsons which is an adult cartoon, not for children.

My children also only watch PBS afternoon shows. Those are excellent.
Chuck it! but beware your children will go through all the withdrawls as if they had been on a drug, it is a drug…but in a few weeks your whole family will be far better off.
Meggie, you are right, it is a drug. Research has shown that the brain is more active during sleep than during television watching. Children look hypnotized when they watch.
I would like to add I grew up in a house where the TV was always running…

by the time I was six I would cram my head between my pillows at night so I would not have to listen to America’s most wanted and Unsolved Mysteris and twlight zone type shows
by the time I was seven I could name all the news shows, 20/20, 48 hours and 60 minutes, I could even name the hosts of the shows (Im morley sapher, I am ed bradley, I am steve croft, I am lezly stall theses stories and andy rooney tonight on 60 minutes)
when I was ten or so I saw a little boy in a middle east country get blown off his bicycle.
by the time I was eleven I was a hard core Simpsons fan, when I would clean the dishes I would listen to an immoral cartoon show called “Daria”
by the time i was 13 I had watched most macho guy pg 13 films and some R films too (my parents did not disapprove of violence, only sex)
I was all alone in my house watching the TV when the second plane hit the trade towers on September 11 and all alone watching the TV when they fell.

I do not have a TV in my Dorm room, am i glad…YES!
At grandparents house, my son watched the Disney channel (we do not have cable, and son only watches one or two videos a week - and I choose them!) My impression of the Disney channel is that it really promotes rock and roll stars as role models for children. After watching Disney Channel I am no longer startled when I hear all these children saying they want to be rock stars when they grow up. Disney really limits childrens ideas about who they could be.
We subscribe to the christian SatelliteSky Angel” since there is just mostly garbage on regular tv now. It has an all Catholic station “Catholic Family Land”. Besides a variety of Christian shows there are also quite a few old classic tv shows and movies on there - from the days when they were still safe to watch for the whole family. The satellite runs off of the dish network and is only $11.95 per month now I believe.
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