Questions About Church Doctrines/Practices

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Maybe it’s 30+ years in a Protestant (mostly Presbyterian, now Lutheran) background where, especially the Lutheran Church, just leaves things to “mystery.”
I’ve been a convert for over ten years, and I still struggle with issues. I think the crux of the matter is authority. Who am I going to trust in matters of doctrine and dogma? Myself, or a 2000 year-old Divine institution? That doesn’t mean you can’t hammer these things out, but I’m sure as a Protestant there are theological issues you debate about and don’t understand, yet you trust your church.
I come from a family of Maronite Catholics.
Interesting. How did you end up Lutheran?
Interesting. How did you end up Lutheran?
My grandfather’s parents immigrated to the US from Lebanon in the early 1900’s. Grandfather married a southern girl so the RCC didn’t work for them. Raised my dad Methodist. My parents were Methodist but saw the liberal stuff creeping in and raised me Presbyterian. Calvinism just doesn’t make sense to me so went Lutheran.
Yeah, I started to take the “if this whole thing is predestined one way or the other, what’s the point?” attitude. Not healthy.

To your earlier post, the authority of the Church is a major draw (even with the issues I’ve raised) for me. Self-interpretation isn’t right.
To your earlier post, the authority of the Church is a major draw (even with the issues I’ve raised) for me. Self-interpretation isn’t right.
Excellent. Your statement is in accord with the Scriptures:

“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1: 20-21

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