NS and RM???
ETA: ok, ns is natural selection, RM?
ETA: ok, ns is natural selection, RM?
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random mutations.NS and RM???
ETA: ok, ns is natural selection, RM?
So you think. I have explained it several times. You are so caught up in gotcha games you have closed your mind to real dialogue.Something of a complete fail here, I’m afraid. There doesn’t seem much traction in posting someone’s opinion that you thought might reflect well on your own (and having it shown that it doesn’t anyway) if you now say it doesn’t really apply.
I’d quit now. Stop digging for heaven’s sake. The hole is too deep already.
Here’s the dialogue:Bradskii:
So you think. I have explained it several times. You are so caught up in gotcha games you have closed your mind to real dialogue.Something of a complete fail here, I’m afraid. There doesn’t seem much traction in posting someone’s opinion that you thought might reflect well on your own (and having it shown that it doesn’t anyway) if you now say it doesn’t really apply.
I’d quit now. Stop digging for heaven’s sake. The hole is too deep already.
So, you have no problem with humans evolving from earlier mammals because they still stubbornly remain – mammals.Fact is, those finches still stubbornly remain – finches.
Humans are mammals, and we evolved from earlier mammals, such as Homo heidelbergensis.Mammals? That ‘fact’ does not Prove - call it - evolution… .
Scare quotes do not an argument make. The fossil and genetic evidence, as observed, tell us you are wrong here.Finches? No genus has ever been observed ‘evolving’ into a different genus…
Mutation is the initial cause of variation in a population. Where is your scientific evidence that it is not?Mutation was not the active parameter with regard to any variations of finch beaks…
Mutations have many causes: cosmic radiation, radioactive elements, mutagenic chemicals, transcription errors and others. In terms of DNA/RNA a mutation is where the final result of the process does not reflect the original. Parts may be added, changed or removed.Do you know How a mutation arises? And what it is in terms of RNA/DNA?
The definition of a biological clade, such as “mammal” is based on descent from common ancestors. The supporting evidence is found in DNA, fossils and observation of living organisms.““A) Humans are mammals,
B) we evolved from earlier mammals, such as Homo heidelbergensis.””
So you claim… B does not follow A…
Yes, Homo sapiens did evolve from earlier ancestors.RECALL: The Question Still under Discussion is - Did Man Evolve from prior creatures?
To posit: Evolution is Real because Evolution is Real - Is Circular . .
Even if evolution is true, that does not mean original sin did not happen, since it is a spiritual wound we will never be able to scientifically prove it has been defined by the Catholic Church as true.If evolution is true (which I think there is strong evidence for) and species evolve in populations, how do we fit original sin?
Quite the opposite, scientist are increasingly discovering just how fine-tuned everything in nature is.Everything appears to be random in nature. Space, Meteors, natural selection, even humans. If this is true, this means souls would be nonexistent. How can I look at this randomness differently?
Dinosaurs can also remind us that God judged the rebellion in Noah’s day by destroying the wicked world with water, resulting in the death of millions of creatures. The Bible teaches us that He will again judge the world, but next time by fire: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up”.Waste. Dinosaurs? Giant extinct sea animals? Why would God create waste that seems to not serve a purpose?
I think you have misunderstood evolution theory, it only aims to explain biological development not immaterial matter (such as human consciousness, or intention). We can prove intention because we all understand and know we do evil things with full knowledge and deliberately.How can I look at human consciousness as intentional?
It is a definition. All definitions are circular, just look at any dictionary:Once again . Circular… Presumes ‘common descent’ …
big = large
large = big
Certainly: Tauber and Tauber (1977) Sympatric Speciation Based on Allelic Changes at Three Loci: Evidence from Natural Populations in Two Habitats.Please Show us actual science…
You do know some humans contain Neanderthal DNA, and some contain Denisovan DNA. That means the three species were so closely related that they could interbreed, like lions and tigers. The ability to interbreed is strongly indicative of descent from a recent common ancestor. Horses and donkeys are a bit further separated from their common ancestor so mules are sterile.So Easy to present a thought - claiming it’s true sans any actual science argument…
I am not Darwinist, I am Buddhist. Your deflection does not conceal the fact that you have no evidence to show and are trying to dodge that fact.Ironic how Darwinists oft-introduce God into science Discussions.
As I said, I am Buddhist. There is no problem with evolution in Buddhist theology. The problem appears to be some forms of the Abrahamic religions which take a metaphorical passage in a late Bronze Age scripture entirely too seriously.The religion of Scientism believes we’re in a God/Religion vs Science Reality…
The point is, the mousetrap needs all its parts right from the start, at the same time to work, it can’t wait millions of years for each part to evolve.The mousetrap was always designed to be a mousetrap.