And your observed evidence of a deity creating a new taxon is? Science has observed evidence; direct creation by any deity has no observed evidence.
If you want evidence for a new taxon, try researching the origin of mammals from their therapsid cynodont ancestors. The evidence is there should you care to look at it.
Show us - Don’t claim it - without giving us the necessary supportive and detailed “science”
The Cambrian Period has Darwinists Stumped. Packed with evidences of Phylum’s arriving de novo
DNA has Darwinists Stumped. Worse for them - is the actual Origin of DNA’s encoded Bio-INFO…
The Cell itself has Darwinists Stumped.
And like it or not, LIFE itself has Darwinists (yes Darwin quickly alluded to pond scum) Stumped.
The simplest form of Life is the most complex chemistry in the Universe - and is still being investigated.
You simply changed the subject w/o answering…
Man has never observed variation within Genomes BEYOND the level of Genus… Such is a necessary requirement to fulfill the demands of what Man labels as empirical science. All else is Story.