I have been busy, but I did find more things to talk about
1)What is the significance of a Tamarisk Tree? I saw it in Genesis 21:18. Why did Abraham plant that type of tree, also I found out it is mentioned in 1Samuel 21:6, 31:13
2)There are quite a few verses that talk about Lebanon. The cedars, land, mountains, etc. Im from there so I know how nice it is, but why didnt the Jews originally expand into Lebanon if they always talked about it as a great place. Wasnt part of the Temple made from the cedars of Lebanon?
3)In the same passage about Abraham what was the big deal about that treaty with Abimelech? It seemed to be a peace treaty, but I read on Jewishencyclopedia that abimelech’s descendants were many groups which the Jews later crushed.
4)I found this place
Beersheba so the original well and tree are gone?
5)I know what the sin was for Sodom, but what was going on in Gomorrah that made it deserve the same punishment? Also where do the kids go when the readings are from “adult” passages? Where I go those places are passed over or the kids are out of the room.
6)Why did Lot stay in such an evil city. On Jewishencyc, it says that he was given into greed, lust and neglected his daughters, so why did God save him? It says that his life was spared because he didnt betray Abraham, but none the less Lot was a bad guy who should have deserved a punishment. I always thought that he was spared because he was God fearing and by showing hospitality to the Angels.