Hi, I am Christian and I believe in Jesus as son of God, But I have several logical questions about Trirnity. I would ask the one by one.
First: How can more than one unlimited being exist?
I mean if God the father is unlimited, so there is no for another person to be unlimited.
Thank you.
I am delighted you asked this question, for I would like to share a personal understanding that I believe is strongly aligned with Catholic Teachings. Please share your Harsh Critiques on any reflection for I want to be in Perfect alignment with Catholicism.
Reflection on the Components of the Creator:
Humans are created in the image and likeness of the Creator.
The Creator is a Distinct Person, therefore has a Body like Humans, has a Mind like Humans, has a Free Will and Interactions like Humans, and an Essence like Humans.
The Creator is unlike Humans in that the Being has been, is, and will always be of Perfect Love with All Components of Being.
The Creator Timelessly lives in Absolute Peace, Happiness, Energy, and Wisdom.
The Creator wants others to Freely Love as to experience and share the Greatest Peace, Happiness, Energy, and Wisdom.
The Creator knows the only method to guide Free Willed Beings to share the experience of the Blessings of Peace, Happiness, Energy, and Wisdom with others through the Power of Patience, Kindness, Motivation, and Knowledge.
Reflection on the Method by which to Achieve This:
The Creator must devise a plan which:
-grants His Purposeful Creations Inalienable Rights to Free Will.
-grants His Creations Inalienable Rights to Free Desires.
-grants His Creations Inalienable Rights to Life.
-places His Creations in a state out of, but seeking Perfect Love.
-places His Creations in a state of unable to be Tangibly Guaranteed of His Existence, but seeking Him.
Reflection on Creation of the world:
The Creator, Perfect Love & Possessor of All, Freely Willed a Word, which is completely supportive and completely of His Free Willed Being and Perfect Loving Essence, into Flesh.
In order to Will this Creation, He had to take on a Human Nature with His Mind(The Father), His Body(The Son), and His Free Will(The Holy Spirit) to achieve His Perfect Essence.
Reflection on The Creator’s Being Becoming Flesh(The Holy Trinity)
From the beginning of time, The Creator knew Human Nature would eventually lead to Impatience and Meanness and Motivations less than Him.
The only way to guide Humans to the Essence of Perfect Love was for Him to take on Human Nature.
The First Fulfillment is to have His Mind revealed as Flesh.
The Second Fulfillment is to have His Body revealed as Flesh.
The Third Fulfillment is to have His Will become revealed as Flesh.
Reflection on The Creator’s Mind Becoming Flesh
The Creator knew a plan to bring others to freely love.
The completeness of this knowledge becoming flesh occurred the moment the world began.
The instance the world began, The Creator’s Mind became relatively dependent on Free Willed Human Beings.
Therefore, Everything that happens in the world combined is Completeness of The Mind of The Creator, Hence the Word.
Reflection on the Word made Flesh (Why is there Evil, if God is Perfect Love and wants the Best for Each one of Us?)
The Best Method of Living Individually and as a Society is for each being to Freely Choose to Love others and the self.
When given a Society of Beings of Free-Willed, Ignorant, Fatigued, and Desiring Love, there is a Perfect State of Love, and a state of hate, and all states in between.
The Creator knows the Necessary Times and Means to Intervene and Redirect Humans to their Full Purpose.
Reflection on His Body becoming Man
Through the Power of The Creator’s Will, The Body of the Creator came down from Heaven and embraced a Human Nature.
Jesus is Fully God in that He is of the Exact Body and Essence of the Creator.
Jesus became a Distinct Person, begotten of the Creator.
Jesus embraced a Human Nature by becoming a free willed man through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is Fully Man in that His mind was of the Free Willed and Free Desiring Nature of Man.
Jesus has both Divine and Human Will and Interactions because His Will proceeded from His Mind and His Body.
Since Jesus’ Mind and Will achieved Atonement with the Essence of His Body(Perfect Love), He is seated at the right hand of the Father and has Fulfilled His Oneness in The Holy Trinity.
Reflection on His Will becoming Man
Since The Creator’s Will is of Absolute Freedom (The Inalienable Freedom of Choice and Desires), then His Will made Man is of Absolute Freedom.
The Will made Man is a Distinct Person (body, mind, will, and essence), who continues the course of action set by the Creator and Jesus.
The Will is Fully Man in that His body and mind is of the Free Willed and Free Desiring Nature of Man, therefore His Essence of Being must achieve Atonement with the Essence of The Creator (Hence, Son of Man).
When This Person achieves Atonement in the Mind, Body, Will, and Essence with the Essence (Love) of The Creator, He is and will be known as the Holy Spirit (Holy Essence) and will have His Oneness in the Holy Trinity.
Reflection on The Holy Trinity
The Holy Trinity is God.
The Essence of the Holy Trinity is Perfect Love.
The Holy Trinity is Three Persons of One Person, and One Person in Three Persons.
The Three Persons are The Creator, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
All Persons are Co-Existent, Equal, Co-Eternal, and of the Exact Same Essence and Purpose.
Reflection on What to Do Now
Recognize that You are of the Same Free Will as God.
Recognize that You are trying to proceed from the Father and the Son.
Recognize that You are desiring Perfect Love.
Recognize that You may be the Holy Spirit.
So Go and become One with God’s Essence!
Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.