Questions about Vatican II doctrines

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"why does Vatican II say that
Odd you didn’t you ask “Why does the Catholic Church say that…”?

Odd your thread title “Vatican II doctrines” rather than Catholic Church doctrines.

The limited development of doctrine at V2 probably reflected development in some non Magisterium theological thinking generally prior to the Council, and consistent with over 50 years of Magisterial teaching after the Council.

V2 is part of Catholic Tradition.
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So my Question is "why does Vatican II say that an Atheist, Buddhist, Hindu, Protestant and Muslim can go to heaven without even excepting Jesus? "
In short they can’t. At least not in the way you might be asking. VII doesn’t explicitly say that either, however, the poorly worded documents have lead some well meaning clergy and laity to believe that merely following your conscience, is to follow Christ, even if you don’t believe in Christ.

This isn’t biblical and it’s gross misunderstanding of Scripture and what the Church actually say.
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You don’t need to be a card carrying member of the Catholic Church, that is true. Hence the reason why baptisms in Protestant churches can be valid.

However, with the exception of invincible ignorance, (which isn’t a catch all umbrella for all non-believers), you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven outside of baptism and a belief in Jesus Christ.

How can you say that being followers of other religions, that openly deny Jesus, is following God’s will? That implies that God’s will is for them to worship false gods.
How can you say that being followers of other religions, that openly deny Jesus, is following God’s will? That implies that God’s will is for them to worship false gods.
I’m not. I’m talking about invincible ignorance, something you recognize. I never said those who freely and knowingly deny the Church can be saved.
Consider Ghandi a non believer. Yet Ghandi lived a life of abstinence, fasting and prayer among other Christian practices as love of neighbor and turn the other cheek. Heck Ghandi has me beat. I have to go to confession quick.
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