Here’s how the Church answers your question about excommunication.Hello,
Yesterday, I found out that my girlfriend is pregnant. As you can imagine it’s quite a shock. Well I’m here asking for advice because our situation is a bit unique.
I currently live in Vietnam. She’s Vietnamese. I’m American.
She comes from a very traditional Catholic family. And she herself would say she is a strong Catholic (however she has made the decision to have sex before marriage and “rebel” in other ways.)
I’m not Catholic. I used to be protestant but have in recent years stepped away from the faith.
As you can imagine she is terrified of what her family will do/say. She has expressed that she will be a shame to her family for the rest of their life and hers.
In this situation, as you might imagine, two options come up. 1. Have the child and deal with the struggle that comes with the mistake that was made. 2. Have an abortion and deal with the mental struggle of having had an abortion.
For option 2, especially for her, there is a heavy concern about the implications on her faith. She’s mentioned that she would need to be forgiven by the local father and the greater regions archbishop (sorry if my terms are wrong - but I think you know what I mean).
[Edit] She specifically wanted me to ask you all if she will get excommunicated from the church if she does have an abortion? Or is there some other sort of punishment?
[Edit 2] She, also asked me to ask how to show repentance so that she can be forgiven?
Honestly, we both have no idea what to do. But, when I asked her yesterday which direction she was leaning she said she was more leaning on the side of having an abortion.
It’s my feeling that it’s the women’s decision given that it’s her body. I do have a feeling about the whole have an abortion or not topic but now that this situation is upon me/us I don’t feel like I could/should pressure her one way or the other.
I guess that’s enough context for now. I don’t want to provide too much of my own “opinion” but am purely interested to hear advice, stories, first hand experiences, encouragements, really just anything. And if you’re Vietnamese it would be really great to hear from you!
Thanks in advanced.
2272 Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life. “A person who procures a completed abortion incurs excommunication latae sententiae,” “by the very commission of the offense,” and subject to the conditions provided by Canon Law. The Church does not thereby intend to restrict the scope of mercy. Rather, she makes clear the gravity of the crime committed, the irreparable harm done to the innocent who is put to death, as well as to the parents and the whole of society.
Latae sententiae = automatic on the act.
Sacramental reconciliation is available for this sin, but keep in mind,
- this is a horrible sin, and not so easy to blot from one’s memory.
- there are people who dearly want to adopt a child.
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