I think you’ve answered your own question, when you said you “accepted into the Church.”
As our life goes on, we have new problems and need new answers, so we should always be “working out our salvation” and getting our minds in order. Paul says he was running the race but had not completed it. That applies to all of us.
You are a Catholic right now and, if I may say so, you should want to learn more about the faith.
Lutheran minister Dietrich Bonhoeffer coined a phrase “easy grace.” That refers to doing the easier things, in a short period of time. But, we need spiritual nourishment our entire life. That may be formal (like you say, six more months – I’ve never heard of that) or informal spiritual development through a variety of means.
I could be wrong, but, between the lines, I wonder if you previously had the belief “once saved always saved.” Salvation is a life-long process and we should want to develop ourselves spiritually and mentally. It takes effort in a number of ways, such as eliminating sins we repeat over and over, and then there’s the problem of new challenges we face in life. There’s always something to challenge us.