Questions from a wandering soul

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Anybody in this forum have a good suggestion on how to deepen one’s spiritual life ?

How does one go about seeking spiritual guidance ?
Are there any places where a person can chat with others ? I really need some good Catholic friends to talk to…

How does one know what God’s plan is for your life ?

I hope this is the right place to ask these questions.
Thanks to all for your help
Randall-On my quest I found that seeking those who have ceased wandering to be the most beneficial. You may want to contact a monastery for a retreat. I have been blessed with spending an extended amount of time with a Cistercian order. While there there was a book PRAYING THE WORD on Lectio Divina that has been very helpful to me. You can find it through Cistercian Publications.
As simple as this sounds, and maybe not all that profound at first, start off with a few prayers a day. Thank the Lord for just about anything that comes to mind or comes your way. From here you will branch out to more extensive prayers like the rosary.

How’s about going to your local book store and picking up a book from one of the saints. I prefer The Imitation of Christ from Thomas à Kempis or Interior Castle from Saint Teresa of Avila.

There is always the Blessed Sacrament as well. Spend an hour with Jesus. Don’t think you necessarily have to say anything either. You can sit in His presence, read the bible, bring a prayer book with you…etc.

If you are looking for others to chat with you came to the right place. There are so many of us at this forum you will never feel alone 🙂
How’s about going to your local book store and picking up a book from one of the saints. I prefer The Imitation of Christ from Thomas à Kempis or Interior Castle from Saint Teresa of Avila.
Another good one is “Introduction to a Devout Life” by St. Francis de Sales. My priest recommended it to me as a good starter (he said Interior Castle might be too deep at this point for me:o .)

Angelica’s suggestion about starting small with prayer is great. Also the suggestion about sitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament is a great one, and it doesn’t even have to be a whole hour if that seems daunting. Or, you might try going to Mass one other day a during the week besides Sunday.
I went on a weekend renewal retreat at my parrish, which had continuing meetings once per week. I met other parishioners who were near the same stage as I was (the beginning), which was a great blessing.

As far as figuring out God’s plan for your life, I asked the same question earlier tonight - see “discerning the spirits” in Spirituality. There have been helpful replies.
Books suggestions and retreats are nice. But I would also like to offer the same point that my priest told me to do yesterday:

Stay close to the sacraments, especially Holy Communion and Confession. Trust and have faith that the graces received in these sacraments will lead us to where our Lord wants us to go.
I’d recommend frequent use of aspirational/ejaculatory prayers, for instance:

“Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
“Sacred Heart of Jesus, I give my heart to You.”
“My Lord and My God.”
“Come, Holy Spirit”

Also, spiritual Communions are immensely helpful:
“My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.
Randall-On my quest I found that seeking those who have ceased wandering to be the most beneficial. You may want to contact a monastery for a retreat. I have been blessed with spending an extended amount of time with a Cistercian order. While there there was a book PRAYING THE WORD on Lectio Divina that has been very helpful to me. You can find it through Cistercian Publications.
Thanks Onaquest, I’ll have to give that a try, going to a retreat at a monestry sounds like a great place to start !🙂
As simple as this sounds, and maybe not all that profound at first, start off with a few prayers a day. Thank the Lord for just about anything that comes to mind or comes your way. From here you will branch out to more extensive prayers like the rosary.

How’s about going to your local book store and picking up a book from one of the saints. I prefer The Imitation of Christ from Thomas à Kempis or Interior Castle from Saint Teresa of Avila.

There is always the Blessed Sacrament as well. Spend an hour with Jesus. Don’t think you necessarily have to say anything either. You can sit in His presence, read the bible, bring a prayer book with you…etc.

If you are looking for others to chat with you came to the right place. There are so many of us at this forum you will never feel alone 🙂
Angelica ~

Yours is great advice. My church does have a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament. My wife currently spends the hour a day, and she has a group she prays with. as well. But I like your advice about just sitting there, and not having to say anything. It will be tough to do, as I work alot of hours. But I’m going to try.

is there a way to chat in this forum ?

:tiphat: Thanks !
Books suggestions and retreats are nice. But I would also like to offer the same point that my priest told me to do yesterday:

Stay close to the sacraments, especially Holy Communion and Confession. Trust and have faith that the graces received in these sacraments will lead us to where our Lord wants us to go.
RFK ~ I have gone to Confession, and I always seem to feel better afterwards, but it seems that this feeling of peace doesn’t last very long. I try not to let the cares of this world bother me, but they do .

Any suggestions to keep the peace, as it where ?
randall brown,

peace be with you! as far as deepening your spiritual life, many good suggestions have been given so i will not try to add to that. i just wanted to say that i have found that there are many good Catholics who it seems never grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus because there is no community for them. they want to love God but there is no one there to really talk to, someone who really understands their desires and wants to be there for them. as a very wise man once said to me, “one of God’s greatest and most important gifts is good friends”. i find this to be true in my own experience. if you would like you can certainly e-mail me through my profile. if you are in southern california, who knows, maybe you could meet some of my group of friends sometime…but your profile offered no personal info. so if you want, just e-mail me.

another good place to go on retreat is St. Joseph Priory in Princeville, IL. it is the novitiate for a religious congregation called the Community of St. John. they are incredible. (note: this is not the Society of St. John)

hope that helps.
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