Taken from the FBI itself:
White on White - 2509
White on Black - 189
Black on White - 409
Black on Black - 2245
(sorry, had to clip for length)
In short, “blacks” and “whites” are way more likely to kill their own.
That has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. I’m not sure if you missed the point, or if you’re ignoring it, but the other poster was saying that there is plenty of racially-motivated black-on-white crime, which you denied. However, it is a true statement, as your own evidence supports. The fact that there’s less doesn’t make it insignificant.
No. Nor would anyone, including minorities, or the people stuck there for various reasons.
I agree, but that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t blame white people for avoiding those areas, or for being wary of individuals who come from them.
Why are people “aggressors” here?
I honestly couldn’t say. I don’t understand it, and think it’s stupid.
It’s about the accumulation of wealth and opportunity passed onto future. “Whites” tend to flee from the poor neighborhoods. They have the money to buy more expensive houses and the better schools to fund them. Education is a huge factor in getting better jobs and the cycle continues. Historic poverty from slavery to segregation to punitive drug sentencing are why history is still relevant.
You can’t use “education” as an excuse. Education is freely available to everyone willing to utilize it. Everybody has access to free schools. It’s not the lack of education that’s the issue, it’s the unwillingness to make use of the opportunities that have been presented.
Again, looking at my wife’s school, it used to be the second or third ranked school in its city, which has eight high schools. Then, after a change in zoning and the relocation of several low income, minority neighborhoods, the school is now one of the two worst in the city. It took one year to go from the top of the rankings to the bottom. The teachers didn’t change, the curriculum didn’t change. The testing didn’t change. The only thing that changed was the students. You cannot blame historical racism or worse educational opportunities for generational poverty when those same people who are supposedly victims
refuse to take advantage of the opportunities they receive.
Then, the cycle continues. Their kids don’t see any point in trying because their parents didn’t. They don’t have a positive example, and think that there are no other options for them. That is the fault of the culture they grow up in, not some outside force that’s holding them back.
There are several students at my wife’s school that are succeeding and overcoming this culture to make something of themselves. They have all the same disadvantages as the other students, but they actually apply themselves. All it takes is the effort to succeed.
As for the punitive drug sentencing, here’s a thought. Don’t do drugs. Problem solved. You can’t complain that people are going to jail for breaking the law.
“Personal responsibility”, as you would insinuate, are a plethora of issues that affect poverty in general of which “Black” populations are more likely to be a part of. Have you also considered what an incarceration rate of 500 to 700% for “Blacks” over “White” men does to a community? Put this in your favorite search engine if you don’t believe me and if you think “Black” men are naturally more criminal than that, you may need to deeply think about your attitudes. People that are incarcerated have poor employment opportunities once they get out and such things easily mess with families and single parent rates. This all is living history that does matter and it’s unfortunately not going away anytime soon.
have considered what the incarceration rate does. It destroys the family and leaves children fatherless, further perpetuating the problem. What you’re ignoring, however, is the fact that
they’re incarcerated for a reason. If you commit a crime, you will be incarcerated. If you want to be there for your family, then don’t be a criminal. It’s not white people’s fault that so many black men chose to engage in criminal behavior. Are the sentences generally longer for black men? I believe so, and that needs to be corrected; however, that doesn’t have any effect on the actual number of people committing crimes.
I’m not saying that black individual are naturally more geared towards crime. That’s stupid. However, when you have a culture, of their own making, which glorifies criminal behavior and demeans self-advancement, then you’re going to have a higher number of criminals. That’s nobody’s fault but their own, and the celebrities they idolize that glorify immorality and excess.
You’re talking as if police pick up random black people on the street and plop them in jail to ruin their lives. I admit, this probably does happen from time to time, but in the majority of cases, more black men go to jail because more black men commit crimes. Period. Once again, this is a problem in the culture which needs to be addressed from within. No outside force can correct this flawed trajectory.
I’m not trying to say that racism doesn’t exist, or that black people haven’t been given a bum rap for quite a while. However, what you, and many other people who think like you, need to realize is that the majority of damage being done to black people is the result of negative influences, practices, and outlooks that are the result of their own culture.