Nicely said. That does seem to be the biggest problem of our times. We take 1st century words from the Bible and apply our own out of context 20th century meaning. I’ve lost count of the number of times I have heard people believe the word pray is synonymous with the word worship. When in all actuality the word pray simply means to ask or solemnly request.But, again, “being saved” means being anointed in Baptism into membership in the Kingdom of God, means being a member of the Church, means the establishment of “sonship with an intended inheritance”. It does not mean “going to heaven”.
“going to heaven” is not the same as being saved - going to heaven is the receipt of the inheritance. And those who abandon the hope and dwell willfully in sin have no inheritance in the Kingdom of God and of his Christ, while others who were not expecting an inheritance will find they receive one anyway because they fed Jesus when he was hungry.