I have some gay friends. I don’t want to hear the details of their life and I certainly don’t want to see pictures, but I don’t shun these people because I try to see Christ in everyone and I want them to experience Christianity as a loving, mercyful faith. I’m curious as to what you all think should be done with these people. Do you advocate discrimination in work and housing? Complete ostrazation from society? How will they ever get any good ideas about Christ if all the followers they see treat them as beyond all hope and compassion?
If I own a shop and am choosing a person to work with me, to be a positive influence on my other employees and my customers, I would choose a person who was living the kind of life God would “support”. If I own a home and rent it out, I would choose a renter who was living the kind of life God would “support”.
Unless I worked (or lived) alone and had an individual opportunity to witness the truths of the faith to someone who may be open to truth, (and therefore that person would not be in a position to be an example of sin to others in my charge) I would - to the best of my ability, ‘reward’, select, encourage, someone within the faith or someone open to truth and living a Catholic life (whether or not they were baptised and confirmed).
Yes, I would discriminate (select something over something else because of it’s nature) I would consiously choose one over another. Discrimination is not a bad word in itself! - It’s when it’s done “unjustly” that it becomes a sin.
That does not mean I do not love those who have disordered sexual tendencies, I just will not reward that behavior. EX: I **would **hire a person who used to drink, but not one who is currently drinking daily. I would hire someone on probation, as long as they were doing what was necessary to avoid the occasion of sin.
We are called to “instruct the ignorant” and to “admonish the sinner”. We MUST do this. It is COMMANDED by the Church. We have no choice in these matters. We support the good choices made by men, just as God does, and we help, by instructing and admonishing, others to see God in us and the absolute importance in following God’s will, God’s laws.
May I recommend a cd set by Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald Confronting the Gay Agenda.
Very enlightening for you and them.
God Bless,