Rainbow Sash

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Holy communion should only be received by a person who is not in a state of mortal sin.

Homosexuals, unremarried divorcees, etc are permitted into the church and receive communion so long as they ARE NOT SINNING.

To receive communion while a practicing homosexual is a sacrilege. Any priest or bishop allowing someone like that to receive communion knowingly is committing a sacrilege.


If I formed a group called the “Plaid Sash Coalition”, and nationally advertised it as a group that rejected the Church’s teachings on sex outside of marriage and as a group that embraced the pro-abortion stance, you can bet said group would be sanctioned – and rightly so.
Um… sanctioned ??? :confused:

You mean – officially approved?

“give effective or authoritative approval or consent to”

All of you emailers have to keep in mind that the change has happened in public. I live in Long Beach, CA a largely homosexualy city. EVERYONE here not only accepts, but embraces homosexuality as the next great thing. For the church to be so behind is unbelieveable in the minds of homosexual Catholics here. There is no condemnation here. There are no strange looks here. There is no unacceptance here. Homosexual couples kiss in public here, and everyone coos about how cute it is, except me. It is so engrained that is is revered instead of prayed about. SOOOO - Catholics have to get the beads out and get serious. Our job is laid out before us. We need to turn back a huge tide of thoughts and attitudes, and the time to do it is now, before it becomes even more ingrained. Roger Mahoney has, for years, coddled the homosexual community here, and we have to stop that. We need to organize like the homosexuals did in the seventies to change the DSM II. We need to be the SQUEAKY WHEEL, instead of letting the homosexuals be it. We need to speak up, and socially diapprove of the behavior, no matter how ostrasized we become.

Any concrete ideas??

God Bless you all.

Let’s all pray some rosaries over this!

I forget who it was who relatively recently said “If the Lord does not smite America over this, He owes a big apology to Sodom!”
All of you emailers have to keep in mind that the change has happened in public. I live in Long Beach, CA a largely homosexualy city. EVERYONE here not only accepts, but embraces homosexuality as the next great thing.
I was brought up in Long Beach, and my parents still live there. I know the city, and it is not “a largely homosexual city” where “everyone … not only accepts, but embraces homosexuality.”

I hope this kind of gross exaggeration will not be replicated in other posts, whether in this thread or in any other.

Members of these forums are free to convey “facts,” but the “facts” should have a real basis in reality. Kadee’s remarks do not.
I think the parable of the dishonest steward applies to Cardinal Mahoney’s actions.

The poor man obviously needs to be accepted by people more than he feels the need to be pleasing to God. He needs our prayers and a good talking to. Who knows what goes on between his ears? I’m sure he has his reasons for permitting the Church to be slapped in the face in his sight by those who feel that the Communion line is the appropriate place for a demonstration of this type. But the fact remains as long as he’s running the “show” in L.A., we’ll have to put up with his antics. Get those Rosaries rattling folks. If you want a better Church, be a better Catholic!

Peace and all good,

Here is the story I read:

Priests at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago refused to give the Eucharist to about 10 people wearing the sashes at Sunday Mass. One priest shook each person’s hand; another made the sign of the cross on their foreheads.

“The priest told me you cannot receive communion if you’re wearing a sash, as per the Cardinal’s direction,” said James Luxton, a Chicago member of the Rainbow Sash Movement, an organization of Catholic gay-rights supporters with chapters around the country.

An internal memo from Chicago Cardinal Francis George that became public last week instructed priests not to give communion to people wearing the sashes, which the group’s members wear every year for Pentecost. The memo says the sashes are a symbol of opposition to the church’s doctrine on homosexuality and exploit the communion ritual.

“The Rainbow Sash movement wants its members to be fully accepted by the Church not on the same conditions as any Catholic but precisely as gay,” George wrote. “With this comes the requirement that the Church change her moral teaching.”

Rainbow Sash Movement spokesman Joe Murray was among those denied communion in Chicago. He said members wearing the sashes should be seen no differently than a uniformed police officer or Boy Scout seeking communion.

“What we saw today in the cathedral is discrimination at the Eucharistic table, and that shouldn’t be happening,” Murray said. Those denied communion returned to their pews, but stood while the rest of the congregation knelt.

The movement, which started about five years ago in England, also has members in Dallas, New Orleans, New York and Rochester, N.Y.

In St. Paul, Minn., people wearing the rainbow-colored sashes were given communion Sunday despite protests from some parishioners who kneeled in front of the altar blocking their way.

The Rev. Michael Skluzacek said in a written statement that both sides were “mistakenly using the Mass and the Eucharist to make their own personal statements.”

Brian McNeill, organizer of the Rainbow Sash Alliance of the Twin Cities, said the local group has worn the sashes every Pentecost at St. Paul Cathedral since 2001, but the group had never experienced such a confrontation.

A Vatican (news - web sites) doctrinal decree last year directed at Catholic politicians said a well-formed conscience forbids support for any law that contradicts “fundamental” morality, with abortion listed first among relevant issues. A second Vatican statement said it is “gravely immoral” not to oppose legalization of same-sex unions.

I particularly like the idea that the Church needs to change its moral teaching :eek:

Apparently these “Catholic” have not been taught were the Church’s teachings come from.
I think the parable of the dishonest steward applies to Cardinal Mahoney’s actions.

The poor man obviously needs to be accepted by people more than he feels the need to be pleasing to God. He needs our prayers and a good talking to. Who knows what goes on between his ears? I’m sure he has his reasons for permitting the Church to be slapped in the face in his sight by those who feel that the Communion line is the appropriate place for a demonstration of this type. But the fact remains as long as he’s running the “show” in L.A., we’ll have to put up with his antics. Get those Rosaries rattling folks. If you want a better Church, be a better Catholic!

Peace and all good,

That’s very good advice…

I have to wonder why Mahony is not replaced however. He’s had his time at the top. It’s time the healing began and it should start with him quietly “retiring.”
This msnbc News report made me smile…especialy this part.
The Rainbow Sash Movement received an e-mail Tuesday from the Los Angeles Archdiocese inviting them to Mass on Sunday, but no one wearing sashes showed up for morning or midday Masses at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, archdiocese spokesman Tod Tamberg said.
That makes me giggle. Who knows. Maybe Mahoney did something right. If they were not going to be protested they didn’t bother showing up. Just a thought. More a serious backfire or providential. Either way I’m smiling. Actually I am :dancing: 😃
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