Raise taxes (Archbishop Flynn)

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The Archbishop of St. Paul/Mpls., has joined with other Bishops in declaring that our taxes should be raised. :mad: I am trying not to blow the top of my head off. If any of your Bishops are involved in this, how do you feel. :eek:

God Bless all of us.
The Archbishop of St. Paul/Mpls., has joined with other Bishops in declaring that our taxes should be raised. :mad: I am trying not to blow the top of my head off. If any of your Bishops are involved in this, how do you feel. :eek:

God Bless all of us.

Get some duct tape and tape you head. That way, if you do blow the top of you head off, you will have all the pieces for the doctors to put back. :whacky:

But seriously, I read something about the story. I think they sould be concentrating collecting for charitable endeavors thay could ease the burden on the tax system. It has been shown that many charitable organizations are more efficient in combating many social problems better than government.

I don’t know why those bishops argued for a tax increase, but I do think taxes need to be raised big time.

I think it’s criminal that Bush is trying to push tax cuts through at the same time as he’s trying to promote a war. If you’re going to go to war, at least have the political backbone to be honest with the voters and tell them they’re going to have to pay for it.

Yes, I’m aware of this and I’m ticked—but then, it’s not surprising, coming from the Archbishop. He’s basically a socialist Democrat who goes to Mass, and I wonder how familiar he is with Leo Xlll’s warnings about socialism in Rerum Novarum, wherein Leo Xlll warns about the state taking over the role of the family and intruding into the life of the family.

Jeremy: nothing is keeping you from paying more than you do now in taxes. You go right ahead and pay more, and if enough of you who want to see higher taxes do that voluntarily, why, those of us who need to keep more of our money for raising our families will be able to do so.
Have you considered that since the bishops are authentic teachers of the faith, who speak in the name of Christ, we should accept their evaluation of the state budget situation and the need to raise taxes? In my opinion, anyone who rejects their teaching here is just as much a cafeteria Catholic as those who reject the teachings on artificial birth control or voting for pro-choice political candidates.
jeremy!@! I work hard for the little I make $8.50 an hour, 50 plus hours a week(just to prove that I make little).; as far as Im concearned no tax cut is wrong or a bad idea. try living in my shoes a while before you shoot your mouth off about tax cuts being bad in any situation. as far as Im concearned the governemnt has too much money. I catholic ttype things I could do with more money bACK IN MY POCKET beat anything any government would do anyday.
Jeremy: nothing is keeping you from paying more than you do now in taxes. You go right ahead and pay more, and if enough of you who want to see higher taxes do that voluntarily, why, those of us who need to keep more of our money for raising our families will be able to do so.
You think it is appropriate for Bush to count on the voluntary generosity of individual citizens to support a war?

aspawloski4th, I’ve worked fast food for a living making less than 7 bucks an hour, I know what it’s like to be poor. In any case that’s not the point. I can only suppose that you opposed the war in Iraq on the grounds that the country (i.e. you) cannot afford to pay the taxes needed to support it. However if you voted for the war but now oppose an increase in taxes to pay for it, then essentially you said “let’s go to war, but not on my dime”.

You wrote: “Have you considered that since the bishops are authentic teachers of the faith, who speak in the name of Christ, we should accept their evaluation of the state budget situation and the need to raise taxes?”

Ummm, no. The Church does not have an official teaching regarding the raising of taxes. It is left to the discretion of those in authority, namely, the gvernment. What this represents is SOME bishops’ personal opinions, not an infallible pronouncement of the Magisterium. And so, no, one is not being a “cafeteria Catholic” if one does not agree with their position.

Individual bishops can be wrong, even very wrong, on very important issues—have you heard of the bishop Arius? If not, look up “Arianism”, the heresy promulgated by the bishop Arius. He denied the divinity of Christ. I’m sure lots of people who thought like you decided to follow Arius into heresy because they mistook his opinion for the opinion of the Magisterium. Look at the behavior of the bishops in Henry Vlll’s time: only one (John Fisher) stood his ground. No, I would be careful if I were you, and learn what the difference is between one bishop or even several bishops’ opinion on a discretionary item like taxes, and the teaching of the Magisterium on issues where the Church DOES have a firm teaching, such as abortion.
Here in New York State it is criminal how oppressed the people are by the enormous tax burden not to mention all the “fees” that go with being a New Yorker.

I thought the Church was against oppression?

For all of you who think high taxes are a great idea- look at how dysfunctional the state government is in NY and ask yourself - “do crooked politicians know what to do with my money better than I do?”

I mean really - if I wasn’t taxed so much I’d be able to give more to causes that matter to me.
. . .It is criminal how oppressed the people are by the enormous tax burden. . . .
I agree that it is criminal that we spend money on educating people. Let them do it themselves. For thousands of years, that’s the way it was run. If it was good enough for them, it’s good enough for us.

And why can’t we have Volunteer Police and Fire Departments and Volunteer City and County staffs? Since we all benefit, surely we will have no problem getting volunteers.

Who wants to be in charge of approving hi-rise and bridge construction? How about you over there, do you want to be head of Nursing at Hennepin General Hospital?

Anybody with a Boy Scout merit badge in first aid should be able to staff an operating room, wouldn’t you think?

I’ll bet we get a lot of volunteers to process tax returns.
jeremy. I do support the war! and yes I do support tax cuts too. further tax hikes will ruin the econemy when people have less money to spend they spend less its only logical. government doesnt get more income by raising tax rates, more is gotten by people doing better. as for iraq I want the war on terorism faught where it originated not here. its also high time the rest of the world live in a free society like us, or we will keep having illegal immegration problems. Im one of the few who thought we waited too long to go in and get rid of saddam. I could go on and on, but to the original idea of the thread, taxes are to high as it is. these bishops should shut their trap. they should ciese and assist. they obviously dont know how economics works.
Ummm, no. The Church does not have an official teaching regarding the raising of taxes.
But the Church does have an official teaching regarding the authority of each bishop, and the Minnesota bishops are acting well within this authority.
It is left to the discretion of those in authority, namely, the gvernment. What this represents is SOME bishops’ personal opinions, not an infallible pronouncement of the Magisterium. And so, no, one is not being a “cafeteria Catholic” if one does not agree with their position.
This represents some bishops’ teaching, which is quite different than their personal opinion. And the lay faithful are called to follow the entire Magisterium, not just the infallible pronouncements. This is the same dodge that Catholics rejecting the teaching on artificial birth control use.
Individual bishops can be wrong, even very wrong, on very important issues—have you heard of the bishop Arius?
This is true, but as I have said, the lay faithful are called upon to give religious submission of mind to all magisterial teaching, not just the infallible teaching.
No, I would be careful if I were you, and learn what the difference is between one bishop or even several bishops’ opinion on a discretionary item like taxes, and the teaching of the Magisterium on issues where the Church DOES have a firm teaching, such as abortion.
What I’ve seen on this site is that if a conservative Republican disagrees with a bishop’s teaching, then they denigrate that teaching as a “personal opinion”, but if the bishop’s teaching supports the Republican party, then those who disagree are called cafeteria Catholics. I’m getting a little tired of this hypocracy.

It is clear that the Minnesota bishops intend their statement to be more than just an airing of their own personal opinion. And for the record, the Church also has firm teachings in the area of social justice.
As Catholic Canadian, we have a much higher taxation level than the Americans and we somehow manage.

In fact, most of the world has hire taxs than the US. Perhaps Americans are undertaxed concidering their foreign policy, not to mention their rather poor domestic policy.

I agree that it is criminal that we spend money on educating people. Let them do it themselves. For thousands of years, that’s the way it was run. If it was good enough for them, it’s good enough for us.

And why can’t we have Volunteer Police and Fire Departments and Volunteer City and County staffs? Since we all benefit, surely we will have no problem getting volunteers.

Who wants to be in charge of approving hi-rise and bridge construction? How about you over there, do you want to be head of Nursing at Hennepin General Hospital?

Anybody with a Boy Scout merit badge in first aid should be able to staff an operating room, wouldn’t you think?

I’ll bet we get a lot of volunteers to process tax returns>

Oh come now - let’s get real here.
It has gone far and beyond financing legitimate services and is now in the area of criminal negligence, fraud, frivolous spending, with absolutely no accountablility whatsoever.
These polititician would never make it in the real world - they would be fired for inefficiency and nonproductivity.
That is because people who work in the real world - in the private sector - are held accountable for their work.
Politicians are given free reign with taxpayers money to play their power games against each other - and it is exactly those who need the money the most who get hurt as their programs are the first to see cuts when the politicians realize they have squandered the stash.
As Catholic Canadian, we have a much higher taxation level than the Americans and we somehow manage.

In fact, most of the world has hire taxs than the US. Perhaps Americans are undertaxed concidering their foreign policy, not to mention their rather poor domestic policy.

First off, where does a Canadian get off telling Americans what
their taxes and foreign policy should be? Nobody is asking. Per
capita your country is about 20 and America’s 4th behind 3 other
western countries that pay taxes out the ying-yang. I like that.
Secondly, Canada has no foreign policy, or none of any substance, they can’t, they depend on America for their military safety. Lastly, could your socialized medical care have anything to do with your high taxes? Ya know, without paying anything towards a military…….I might be asking……where is MY money going….
I don’t know why those bishops argued for a tax increase, but I do think taxes need to be raised big time.

I think it’s criminal that Bush is trying to push tax cuts through at the same time as he’s trying to promote a war. If you’re going to go to war, at least have the political backbone to be honest with the voters and tell them they’re going to have to pay for it.
Naturally, when you file your tax return this year, you will take no deductions and pay double the amount you owe.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon10.gif
Catholic 2003, have you heard of the “separation between Church and State”? This is it!!! The Church has no business getting into the business of government. Now the Archbishop’s Appeal is getting under way. So, if my taxes are raised, that is less money the Archbishop’s Appeal will get from people who are taxed to death the way it is. This has nothing to do with the war in Iraq. If that were the case, I would have said that before. This has to do with budget cuts, etc., causing people, so they say, to delay getting medical attention due to lack of insurance, etc. The Socialists were in control for 40+ years, and they didn’t solve the problem raising taxes, why do they think they are going to solve it now. I don’t mean to give the Archbishop a bad rap, but with all of the liturgical abuses that go on, you would think trying to clean that up would be more than a full time job.

Peace of Christ.
An Archbishop saying we should increase taxes is no more violation of church/state separation than an Archbishop saying we should legally define marriage as man/woman
Catholic 2003, have you heard of the “separation between Church and State”?
Which encyclical is this “separation of Church and State” taught in?

Here is what CCC 2032 says:
The Church, the “pillar and bulwark of the truth,” “has received this solemn command of Christ from the apostles to announce the saving truth.” "To the Church belongs the right always and everywhere to announce moral principles, including those pertaining to the social order, and to make judgments on any human affairs to the extent that they are required by the fundamental rights of the human person or the salvation of souls."
Now, the Minnesota bishops certainly could be wrong on this issue. However, I don’t think it is my job to be second-guessing them. And if I did start second-guessing bishops, then where would it end?
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