carol marie:
But by far boys are easier in the younger years, after being raised with so many girls I asked God not to give me one, but he knew best and gave me one and she is the best daughter any mom could ask for. But it took many years and many tears to get there. The boys well when they hit those teenage years everything changes and they are the toughest because of those strong hormones.
But I would have to say carol is right pets and houseplants are the easiest but I certainly would not have traded that once my grandchildren were born. It suddenly makes it all worth while.
I can not tell you how many times I said this to my husband through every new trauma I would look at him and say oh puppies are much easier to raise then children.Pets. Pets are definatly easier to raise than boys or girls. Pets and houseplants.
CM, Mom to 4 beautiful children I wouldnât trade for anything!
But by far boys are easier in the younger years, after being raised with so many girls I asked God not to give me one, but he knew best and gave me one and she is the best daughter any mom could ask for. But it took many years and many tears to get there. The boys well when they hit those teenage years everything changes and they are the toughest because of those strong hormones.
But I would have to say carol is right pets and houseplants are the easiest but I certainly would not have traded that once my grandchildren were born. It suddenly makes it all worth while.