Random question: Does modesty apply to infants?

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Maxi skirts are dangerous for crawling and newly walking babies.
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I guess it would never cross my mind why a mother would dress an baby in a bikini.

I tend to think things through practically. This would never cross my mind.

I guess it would be immodest. To me, it would be sexuallizing female anatomy that isn’t there.

I’d be dying to cover up all of that exposed skin to protect the baby from sun damage.

I would never do it…mostly because it’s impractical and potentially harmful.
Or rather, the long skirts and the dirt floors were the diapers
If the cultures where this happened are like cultures where diaper use is uncommon today, the skirts or other baby clothes probably don’t actually get soiled nearly as often as you’d think. Even babies can be taught to go in a specific place or by cue, without harsh methods.

That’s actually a very practical reason for minimal baby clothing.
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And Clementine 14, I was referring to that because I think making a baby/toddler wear a floor length skirt sends the message that babies need to be modest in the same way adult women do. I said I thought it was too much in my opinion.
Ah, I get it now! Thanks, for some reason I misread the post. And I agree. Definitely too much, and unsafe.
Nothing sinister I was simply referring to the fact that as girls wear skirts they need to learn to be aware of how to wear them modestly.
Girls should wear skirts modestly but never be limited to just skirts.

Girls should dress modestly but never be limited to only “feminine” things.

I think girls are unfairly targeted. They should be encourage to do things and never limited.
They should be encouraged to go to school and to work just as much as they are encouraged to get married and work.

Men are never limited with what they can do…but women are.
I see it as women are limited to being a stay at home mom. They should be mothers who are home with the kids.

School isn’t always required either and probably shouldn’t be pursued if it means too much debt for the husband to take on.

Men can do whatever they want…as long as they provide. They can have any career they want…whatever is interesting to them.

They can move for said career, pursue further education for advancing said career, and change their career if they aren’t happy.

Women can’t…they need to be at home and take care of their kids and husband…whether they want to or not.
They should also be having more kids…whether they want to or not. They may dislike pregnancy and not feel comfortable going beyond a certain number of kids…big or small…but that isn’t enough because they should be having more.
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I have never seen that in real life so maybe that’s why I’m confused. Where is that coming from? I know very few women that are stay at home moms. Most have a career or at least a job. Their husbands aren’t free to do or pursue whatever. They are just as “stuck” to whatever makes life work for their family. I see people say that online, but the real world seems very different from that. I guess that is what confuses me.

My mom was the breadwinner in our family. My dad followed her career moves (even to a new country) because it was what made life work in our house. It was culturally not accepted (originally from South America) for a man to raise babies, but my dad loved it. He was good at it. He did work when necessary though. When we came to the US it was still not common. It seemed to me growing up it was the men that got railroaded into a life that requires them to work and make more than their wife, even if they enjoyed being home, or else they were ridiculed for not being man enough.

I think it is more accurate that both sexes are kind of stuck and limited, but only because they allow it due to social pressures or pride or whatever. In marriage, one spouse/parent tends to also kind of give up more than the other for the sake of family harmony. I guess most of the time it is the woman, but I see more and more men like my dad. Usually the spouse that makes more is the one who remains career focused while the one with the lower paying job spends more time with family stuff. Some careers make it easier to have a more equal share of the load, but it’s hard to find a spouse whose schedule is a complimentary schedule that allows that.

I am going back to work in a couple weeks (after Thanksgiving) but only working until the end of this school year. When we move I am not working anymore. But for the last year, and until we move, my husband is the stay at home parent. He retired and has very much enjoyed being home with his babies. He missed a lot with the first six since he was working so much. Now it’s his turn for a little while longer.

I guess I just don’t understand the limits people face because they don’t seem to really exist except on the internet. More often it is life circumstances that affect both sexes in different ways. But any way, I’m glad you are raising your daughters to be empowered and understand that life is more than just love, romance, and babies. It is similar to how I taught my older girls, and my boys. And I say that as someone who always wanted to be a stay at home mom with a houseful.
The only one who can place such limits is the woman herself. Both men and women who decide to get married have to be willing to put their family first and do what is best for them. So, if a man wants to be a professional balloon animal artist, there’s a good chance he’s going to have to put that dream aside until after his kids are grown. It’s not really true to say that men can do “whatever they want as long as they provide.” Not all jobs DO provide reasonably, and there are considerations to make for the family such as, where they will live, will they have support from extended family, what sort of school will be necessary and can it be afforded on a certain income, is there health insurance, life insurance, etc. Is there too much travelling for a family man? Not only women have to make career sacrifices when they decide to become parents.
They should also be having more kids…whether they want to or not. They may dislike pregnancy and not feel comfortable going beyond a certain number of kids…big or small…but that isn’t enough because they should be having more.
Oh yes, will be happy, health children when mother didn’t want them.
You do realize that there is not a single rule for people to have children at all?
I was infertile for most of my married years. I had zero children until we adopted, and that was many years after we married. I honestly had not one person ever comment on not having had children. Not once. No one asked why. No one said we should get busy. No one seemed to even care, or at least were polite enough not to ask. I think most people realize that children don’t just come from wishes. Sometimes there are reasons why couples have none, or one, or even four. It isn’t something trulynin our control. Until recently, and only on the internet, have I ever heard comments about this at all. And that is usually only in terms of why many countries are begging and even bribing people to have babies. The birth rate declining is a real thing. I understand the concerns with that.

However, everyone noticed and criticized having my two biological babies. First it was because of my history of losses and then they would bring up my age and then it was because it is unfair to my adopted kids and then a whole host of reasons.

I think it is important to not allow the way others online react to things to affect us so much. I’ve been in many catholic parishes across the US and normally people don’t even speak to others. Most people go to Mass and leave. Most have 0-4 kids. Very few have 5+ kids. I think if you are around the few who have more, and they are the even smaller percentage that are rude and bossy, then you probably want to expand your horizons some. Tell them to take their criticisms and leave. It’s ok to be rude back to rude people. They kind of are inviting that on to themselves. Don’t let their negativity to affect you. It’s not worth it. And don’t allow yourselves to fall into their trap of thinking every Catholic is that way. That means they have succeeded.
Modesty doesn’t and shouldn’t apply to babies/children. However, that doesn’t mean parents should sexualise their kids by dressing them in ‘child-sized’ adult attire imo. For example, purposefully cropped tops, bikinis. Basically child sized clothes that are meant to look sexy on grown adults.

It’s not about modesty, because babies can run around naked and it’ll be fine. I wish I can describe it better but I hope you know what I’m talking about.
I think you pretty much nailed it. Putting your babies in leather and lace bodices or string bikinis isn’t cute.
I do realize that. I lived it.

What I’ve seen posted on these boards is a completely different animal.

I’m just trying to point out the crazy I’ve read on these boards.
Yup…definitely do. I’ve lived it.

Cutting my reproductive trophies down to three or four. Why? Because I have limits!

I think I’ve counted, at least, three active threads? Current ones, complaining about women aren’t producing enough kids.

And several more that aren’t active but are still on the feed. Several from the same posters.

Not entirely sure what’s to gain from them…they are either exhausting the posters who are already in the trenches with more than 2 kids or adding fuel to the ones who think it’s not enough.
You are dead on.

I’m apart of several resale groups for children’s clothing online. You can find some really wonderful things for dirt cheap.

But…some of the stuff? I’m so far from the whole ultra traditional, wear only skirt/dresses, hide everything, frumpiness of some families, it’s not even funny.
But even I’m completely taken aback by what’s available in toddler size clothing.
Sizes that start when kids are walking to show off the outfits. I’ve seen 18 month olds in underwear style shorts…basically a nice looking diaper cover, off-the -shoulder tops, and Greco-Roman style, lace-up sandals.
I haven’t seen too many crop tops but lots of leotards with a completely exposed back and loads of tops that completely expose the shoulders.

I wouldn’t wear that stuff as an adult…let alone a two year old. It’s nuts, completely impractical, and I see it as a form of grooming. Teaching little girls that this is how we dress and behave.
This is quite recent too (if we are talking about mainstream celebrities and fashion).

I’m young (20) but I remember young celebrities and models dressed their age. Of course looking back, we cringe, lol (2000s fashion is really bad). Now when we look at this generation’s fashion, young teenage actresses…gosh. It’s not ‘ugly’ or anything, but they look much older than they actually are.

It’s difficult to talk about because people will argue back with ‘YOU are sexualising the child, clothes are just clothes’ line. And most of the time, I’m too shocked at their ignorance to come up with an intelligent reply.
We are also unashamedly sexist in dressing boys and girls differently and girls in distinctively feminine clothing.
My husband and I both come from cultures where the boys/men and girls/women have very distinctive clothing styles. We have adopted a more westernized style of dress since we live in the US, but for holidays and some other special occasions, we dress our kids in traditional dress. Those times are so much fun! Do you come from a culture like that or is this simply a choice you have made?
Of course looking back, we cringe, lol (2000s fashion is really bad).
It must be a sign of my age. I can pick out 70’s fashions. I can pick out 80’s fashions. I can even somewhat pick out 90’s fashions. But after that, everything just seems like an indistinct homogenous blur to me. 😝
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