Maxi skirts are dangerous for crawling and newly walking babies.
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If the cultures where this happened are like cultures where diaper use is uncommon today, the skirts or other baby clothes probably don’t actually get soiled nearly as often as you’d think. Even babies can be taught to go in a specific place or by cue, without harsh methods.Or rather, the long skirts and the dirt floors were the diapers
Ah, I get it now! Thanks, for some reason I misread the post. And I agree. Definitely too much, and unsafe.And Clementine 14, I was referring to that because I think making a baby/toddler wear a floor length skirt sends the message that babies need to be modest in the same way adult women do. I said I thought it was too much in my opinion.
What do you mean by this? How are women limited but men “never are?” I don’t think I’m understanding.Men are never limited with what they can do…but women are.
Oh yes, will be happy, health children when mother didn’t want them.They should also be having more kids…whether they want to or not. They may dislike pregnancy and not feel comfortable going beyond a certain number of kids…big or small…but that isn’t enough because they should be having more.
My husband and I both come from cultures where the boys/men and girls/women have very distinctive clothing styles. We have adopted a more westernized style of dress since we live in the US, but for holidays and some other special occasions, we dress our kids in traditional dress. Those times are so much fun! Do you come from a culture like that or is this simply a choice you have made?We are also unashamedly sexist in dressing boys and girls differently and girls in distinctively feminine clothing.
It must be a sign of my age. I can pick out 70’s fashions. I can pick out 80’s fashions. I can even somewhat pick out 90’s fashions. But after that, everything just seems like an indistinct homogenous blur to me.Of course looking back, we cringe, lol (2000s fashion is really bad).