
If it requires medical equipment because it did not develop fully while in utero, then yes.So your point is that any infant that requires medical support is not an organism?
Interesting, both of mine only required a blanket and some practice “latching” on.Are you serious? Full term infants often require incubators, IVs, oxygen, bili-lights, even surgery.
If that is indeed before the time period that medical experts would settle on, then sure. If not then no.Are you telling the couple whose twins born at 32 weeks that needed two months of care in the NICU and are now kindergardeners that those kids were not organisms? Or that aborting them would have been morally acceptable?
Aborting it before it became an organism would have been acceptable. But a baby born with a heart defect that requires medical attention would be an organism because the issue isn’t one of a lack of development but a fault during development.How about the fetus that required surgery at 18 weeks to correct a heart defect that then developed normally and is now a healthy child? Would aborting that child have been acceptable just because it needed medical support?
Depends on how old they were and why they needed medical equipement. I have thought about what i’m saying, now I’m just trying to help others get it straight.In my own case, both my kids were born by C-section, without which they would not have survived. Both spent time on IVs and in an incubator. Are you really suggesting that they weren’t organisms and that aborting them would have been morally acceptable? Take a minute and think about what you are saying.