Ratzinger rails at cloning "arrogance"

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I love that guy more and more all the time. It mentions him as a possible Papal successor; can you imagine the clean-up job that would be done with the Church if he became Pontiff?
“How often are the symbols of power, borne by the great ones of this world, an affront to truth, to justice and to the dignity of man! How many times are their pomps and their lofty words nothing but grandiose lies, a parody of their solemn obligation to serve the common good,” he said.
“Justice is trampled underfoot by weakness, cowardice and fear of the diktat of the ruling mindset. The quiet voice of conscience is drowned out by the cries of the crowd. Evil draws its power from indecision and concern for what other people think”.
He doesn’t mince words. I love it.
Ratzinger was recently requested by NAC seminarians to ordain them as deacons. They choose each year which prelate will ordain them. This was never done in years past with Ratzinger as Prefect of CDF. He agreed to do it based on the fact that, in recent years, he has gotten swarmed by American teens and young adults as he walks to work each day. They run up to him in St. Peter’s Square,kiss his ring, and tell him how thankful they are for the faithful job he has been doing.

If he were elected Pope, there’d be a lot of celebrating here. However, it’d probably be balanced with some gnashing of teeth.😉

John Paul I was so old he died a few days after being elected.
I think he is too old to be elected.
he’s 77 years now, I remember 80 is the limit now. or is that 75?
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