I was rather surprised to read the following statements given by Bishop Vasa in an interview with reference to the letter from Cardinal Ratzingerr regarding reception of Eucharist by politicians who had voted pro choice . From this news report, it appears that the bishops were not presented with the letter from Rome until after the fact - I find this odd, not surprising, but odd:
Quote ferom the interview:
McCarrick, chair of the ‘Task Force’ committee, apparently withheld the memorandum from the USCCB, and even perhaps from the ‘Task Force’ committee.
Were all of the bishops informed of Cardinal Ratzinger’s clear supportive directive citing why the bishops must deny manifest, obstinate, persistent persons in grave sin?
Bishop Vasa replied that the June memorandum from Cardinal Ratzinger was not given to the Conference of Bishops in Denver.
“As I recall, Cardinal McCarrick made reference to some letter, but I did not see a copy of the letter at the meeting. I don’t know if the committee writing the ‘Statement,’ entitled “Catholics in Political Life,” was given a copy of the letter.”
Bishop Vasa was not sure when the memorandum was delivered to Cardinal McCarrick and Bishop Gregory.
It is well known that Cardinal McCarrick presented to the Conference his ‘Interim Report’, which instead warned against denying anyone the Eucharist.
Quote ferom the interview:
McCarrick, chair of the ‘Task Force’ committee, apparently withheld the memorandum from the USCCB, and even perhaps from the ‘Task Force’ committee.
Were all of the bishops informed of Cardinal Ratzinger’s clear supportive directive citing why the bishops must deny manifest, obstinate, persistent persons in grave sin?
Bishop Vasa replied that the June memorandum from Cardinal Ratzinger was not given to the Conference of Bishops in Denver.
“As I recall, Cardinal McCarrick made reference to some letter, but I did not see a copy of the letter at the meeting. I don’t know if the committee writing the ‘Statement,’ entitled “Catholics in Political Life,” was given a copy of the letter.”
Bishop Vasa was not sure when the memorandum was delivered to Cardinal McCarrick and Bishop Gregory.
It is well known that Cardinal McCarrick presented to the Conference his ‘Interim Report’, which instead warned against denying anyone the Eucharist.