RC Split from Orthodox

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So another teaching that was once admissible, is no longer applicable. Is it inadmissible now?
When you see these once solid teachings now becoming no longer applicable, questions arise about other teachings also such as womenā€™s ordination or artificial birth control: Can they be ruled admissible in the future?
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Iā€™m confused. How can the RC Church claim to be the authentic church founded by Jesus, when it was they who split from the Orthodox? The RC church added the filioque and changed the governance structure of the church. Wouldnā€™t the ā€œkeysā€ actually be with the Orthodox?
Iā€™ll offer this article for a historical look at the issueā€¦Library : Byzantium and the Roman Primacy | Catholic Culture


nstead of repeating all the known arguments pro and contra, let us try the historical method and examine the position which the Byzantine Church took on this problem from earliest times on up to the period when the estrangement between the Eastern and Western parts of mediaeval Christianity became apparent and began to envenom the atmosphere in which the Churches had to live.
The Pope does not need an ecumenical council because this entitlement was given to the first pope by our Lord Himself.
In my view, this is the position, without support in the early Church, that is the main cause of the Great Schism.
This is the dispute that must be resolved to reunite East and west.
this a Greek OC source


Today, scriptural scholars of all traditions agree that we can discern in the New Testament an early tradition which attributes a special position to Peter among Christā€™s twelve apostles. The Church built its identity on them as witnesses, and responsibility for pastoral leadership was not restricted to Peter.[11] In Matthew 16:19, Peter is explicitly commissioned to ā€œbind and looseā€; later, in Matthew 18:18, Christ directly promises all the disciples that they will do the same. Similarly, the foundation upon which the Church is built is related to Peter in Matthew 16:16, and to the whole apostolic body elsewhere in the New Testament (cf. Eph. 2:10). It is thus possible to conclude that, although the distinctive features of Peterā€™s ministry are stressed, his ministry is that of an apostle and does not distinguish him from the ministry of the other apostles. ā€¦ā€¦[12] This view, however, does not necessarily consider the primacy of the bishop of Rome as contrary to the New Testament. It is possible to accept the primacy of Rome in a qualified way as part of Godā€™s purpose regarding the Churchā€™s unity and catholicity even while admitting that New Testament texts offer no sufficient basis for it.[13] Whether or not Peterā€™s role can be transmitted in its totality, it would not exclude the analogical continuation of his ministry of unity, guided by the Spirit, among those who continue the apostolic mission. This ā€œPetrine functionā€ is necessary for the unity and catholicity of the Church. It may be executed by the pope, as Vatican I suggests, in consultation with but not independently from the bishops of Godā€™s Church.
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This ā€œPetrine functionā€ is necessary for the unity and catholicity of the Church. It may be executed by the pope, as Vatican I suggests, in consultation with but not independently from the bishops of Godā€™s Church.
The Church built its identity on them as witnesses, and responsibility for pastoral leadership was not restricted to Peter.[11] In Matthew 16:19, Peter is explicitly commissioned to ā€œbind and looseā€; later, in Matthew 18:18, Christ directly promises all the disciples that they will do the same
no mention of the important 'keys of authorityā€™ā€¦

Mt 16 - Peter has the keys and bind/loose
Mt 18 - Apostles bind/loose [no keys]
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"Simon, Simon, behold Satan has demanded to sift all of you like wheat, 32 but I have prayed that your own faith may not fail; and once you have turned back, you must strengthen your brothers.ā€
Luke 22:31-32
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