I have finally decided to come into full communion with the Catholic Church a few months back, and am beginning the RCIA process here in September. I am very well catechized already according to my RCIA coordinator, and am a baptized Christian. I am also the first person to begin RCIA at my local parish here and so last month I started meeting with the RCIA coordinator once a week for instruction. Well, I’m just more or less curious whether or not I will be able to be received into the church come Easter Vigil, and if that is my choice or someone else’s. My catechist, the Rcia coordinator, makes this sound like a tryout. He keeps telling me not to get the ahead of myself and makes it almost seem like he’s trying to push me away like I am unworthy of becoming Catholic. Every time I ask questions about receiving certain Rites when the time comes, he tells me “we’ll see,” after I “discern” certain things. I feel like someone else is in control of me finding my way to the Truth and becoming apart of that, when this should be my choice. It’s like I have to “prove” myself, be stigmatized or something for this to happen. I don’t want to go through all of this for him to tell me in 10 months that I cannot be confirmed this year and then have to wait til the following year or more, and this is really bothering me.