Welcome home everyone!!! Our family just keeps getting bigger and bigger!
I liked what our Bishop said, that the graces of the sacraments we have received will settle into us. I think I am in shock. lol.What was confirmation like for everyone? How did you feel?
I can’t really describe how I feel now that I’m confirmed. No word does it justice. It’s sort of like when your body is out of whack and someone cracks your back and you feel better because everything is aligned. It’s that feeling except on the inside… I guess?
The journey has just begun!! Anyone else just a little bit frightened?! Not in a bad way of course. I don’t know how to describe it. IT’S ALL SO NEW!! :extrahappy:
I am very happy!
I just joined this forum today, although I am surprised that I didn’t find it sooner - I have been looking for a Catholic forum for quite some time.
I was confirmed on Saturday at the Easter Vigil. It has been 14 years in waiting! I missed my confirmation with my class when I moved to BC from Ontario, and never got the chance until this year when I said, “Im doing it”!
I was baptised Catholic as an infant and had my first Holy Communion at the age of 8.
It has been a long road, but I am finally complete!!!
God Bless all of you, and welcome to all of you who are joining us!