Thanks for your continued contributions to this forum.I think you don’t really understand what an RCIA sponsor is supposed to be sales, they don’t do any leading what so ever. I most certainly didn’t lead my candidate at all, because leading and instruction is the job of the RCIA instructors.
However, before firing off a comment like that, perhaps you should read more carefully what I said. An RCIA sponsor does indeed “lead”, but perhaps your idea of “leading” is tied up with the idea of being a “catechist”. Maybe this stems from the idea that being Catholic entails “knowing doctrines” - thus, a “leader” is supposed to teach the faith, the dogmas, in your mind. No, I never said that, nor do I agree with that exposition of our faith. Sponsors do indeed lead, let me explain…
First, my background, I am an RCIA coordinator, have been for 7 years, and I personally teach sponsors the requirements of being an effective sponsor - which is, indeed, to lead the candidates/catechumens to Christ. According to my reading and research, the RCIA process is about sacramental formation, experiencing Jesus Christ. As part of that process, sponsors are crucial to that formation, since we (catechists in the classroom) cannot teach what it means to be Catholic ONLY within the classroom environment. Thus, sponsors are and have always been, crucial leaders…
Second, let’s define “leader”… It is a “person who provides guidance or direction” To Lead is to “show the way” to “conduct or escort”, to “conduct by holding the hand and guiding”, to “influence or induce”. These are from "www.dictionary.com. Are they acceptable to you? By the remainder of your post, it would seem that you ALSO were a leader…!
According to “Guide for Sponsors”, Ron Lewinski, a noted expert in the field of RCIA, the Sponsor : represents the Catholic Community", “are Companions”, and “are Mentors”.
I think that everyone would agree that a Mentor is a Leader by the above definitions…
When selecting a sponsor, one needs to be aware of the first charecteristic, one who represents the Catholic Community. Clearly, a person who is not active in their faith cannot represent the Catholic Community. They cannot mentor someone else if they have no prayer life, no devotionals that they participate in, no ministries to share. While a friend, even an atheist, can be a companion, it goes without saying that a GOOD Catholic RCIA sponsor needs to also being actively practicing the faith.
Why? NOT because they are expected to be a catechist, but as you note using other words, to LEAD a person to Jesus Christ by their own devotional and ministrial lifestyle. By showing how important Jesus Christ is in their lives, the candidate is in turn motivated to seek Him out all the more, as the Sponsor GUIDES the candidate to a devotional style suited to the candidate.
Being Catholic is much more than “knowing doctrines”. Thus, we ALL (those who are active Catholics) are potential LEADERS, GUIDES, MENTORS and REPRESENTATIVES of our Church.
Thanks for your response and your patience in my follow up explanation.